got a new laptop windows 10

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So my mum got me a laptop for christmas its got windows 10 on it so I'll download warband and damocles again (all hail steam lol) and'll let you sll know how it behaves on this OS
working ok so far just done the ctrl+L cheat to max level and done a village bandit clearence beyond my frame rate nose diving lol it was fine btw link below for my laptops hardware feed back if possible?
LibSpit said:
good stuff!
It is I'm just rapid conquering stuff... well I was last night I stopped when the villianese offered me a peace treaty now its just a case of building up my villages two towns and three castles was it? to see how things go once there all fully developed I'll start lord recruitment.
Well in terms of places I've conquered in order:

Thona castle (I had to its just like Ibdeles Castle) is **** huge and is a great place to start imo

Foxbog was next got lucky as it was at maximum richness when I got it so after say ~150 days? should be at max richness again and population from 250 it was reduced to lol

Crosswarren was next as I was determined to get the Kingdom Of Colchis of to a good start oddly this towns population didn't go down to 250 stayed in the high 100's

Uni castle was my next target almost missed it lol

Thiara castle was the last place I took and atm my little corner kingdom is growing fairly swiftly as the large villanese desetrer armies are joining me and acting as garrison troops and so far no issues or random crashes and were 70 days, I'm lvl 62 with Borcha, Katrin, lezalit and Marnid in my party shall keep this thread updated as I grow and conquer.
Just had my first crash while I've just talked to my ministers but couldn't find the option to have a party member take over in the court so I can give fiefs to people, do I just talk to a party member directs? As thats when the crash happened lol as I went to test my theory on Katrin
ok so currently all my towns and cites are fully developed and near enough population is at max and same with everyone loving the Old Gods now roll call for troops I've recruited/amassed:

Thona Castle:
200 Antarian elite infantry
100 Antarian Cavalry

200 Antarian infantry

Thiara Castle
100 Antarian infantry

Ok now this is my **** you army and were I've moved my court to, gotta love deserter armies :smile:

100 Vilanese elite infantry
100 vlianese sharp shooters
100 Khergit lancers
100 nordic huscarls
100 swadian knight
122 nord elite archer
78 nord veteran archer

Oddly no one wants to pick on the tiny little kingdom whose ruler has only gained one right to rule can't think why lol
Hmm slight issue has arisen I think, recruited two lords from the main land no issues, but with my third one shot anar he's coming up as still belonging to the main land :-/
Somehow the Chaos Gods have cloned me lol this happend a few minutes ago

My treasurey is nose diving profit wise tax ineffiecncy is at 16% I own a lot of fiefs and towns and I have a highly centralized goverment any advice as when I was smaller with less fiefs I ad double the amount going into the treasurey.... im a touch confused lol
Took around 12 hours of playing and three crashes and liberal use of the word **** but found Ymira and a few others and raised Matheld and Nizar to lordship, yeah the nobles pissed and squealed when nizar got a fief, Mualong (or how ever you spell that cities name) and Ashberry respectively, the imperial legion have all but crushed the antarian empire so they've come on strong and again so have the Vaegerians and Khergits, the nords are slapping the adenians? and the marinarians around, its really interesting to see how some factions are stomping around in big stompy boots and going I came I saw I conquered lol makes me glad I'm a "corner" kingdom can spread out slowly screen shot below, rather than fast conquering I've decide to go for concentrated power and strong economy
Yeah it has been so long since I played that I have no advice, sorry.

It is interesting to hear how every play through always seems to have a different group of factions ascending to dominance over the others.
Computica said:
Yeah that is a defenite code bug. I'd have to really dig through the old code to figure out the issue.
From what i gathered from my two play troughs factions will not declare war on each other if they are still at war with other factions, and they will actively seek out other enemies of this faction to ally against, by about turn 200 this results in two sides constantly fighting each other, since there can be up to 6 factions in each side they would all have to declare peace on each other at the same time, some factions declare peace at times but they still have alliance/defensive pact with other factions still at war so they eventually declare war again, this goes on and on in a never ending loop. Alliance which got more members at the start quickly gains advantage and vanquishes the other alliance if you do not intervene, then after some time they will declare war on each other (only had this happen once, only factions left were me, Rhodoks and Aden, and Rhodoks and Aden declared war on each other).
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