Gore Option

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Flaming Eyes

Hi, I don't know what do you think, but a "gore option" should be good. If you want to cut out limbs, or follow a trace of blood in battle mode of those that are hurt you can activate the "gore option". Or if you do not like that turn of the option. :smile:

What do you think?

P.S. Sorry for my English, but I think can be understood what I mean... :oops:
yeah i personally love gore. but i can see that it isn't in everyones taste, so the gore option would be really nice.
slavetrader said:
yeah i personally love gore. but i can see that it isn't in everyones taste, so the gore option would be really nice.

Yeah. Some relatives were staying over, and I played M&B. I got the kids to play some cheap bloodless game I bought on the Xbox, and then out of the corner of his eye, one of them sees me hit a river pirate with a spiked mace.
Suddenly, they aren't that interested in the Xbox-game, and I have to explain to their parents why I let their kids watch me throw an axe at someones face. My explanation was 'how else are they going to learn how to throw axes at people?'. Luckily their father burst out laughing, and they didn't rip my balls off.
Rotflmao. Why was that such a big deal though? There prbably isn't any difference in the amount of violence in the games, just one has a small (if unmodded) squirt of bloodish-looking substance.
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