Goofy beginning of a mod

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Well, I figured I would goof off and make a Tron mod.
Here are some very basic tests shots.
I need to figure out how to make the tiles more seemless.
I am going to work on the armor and weapons next. I plane on the rocks becoming the dics, the spears beoming laser spears, etc.

I am mainly doing this to throw something different out there.
There are amazing mods of LOTR and such. I figured I would try something different (thanks for your support :smile: )

I was almost going to do a mod from the movie, "Attack of the Killer Tomatoes." hehe
Whoa. This is... unique.

Can't wait to see the armor & weapons re-modelled. Not to mention the "bikes". :grin:
Yes, cool.

Soylentgreen, don't be shy. I know your character sheet is now looks like Tron, too.
I am trying to figure out how to manipulate the horse to fit the bike.
I am thinking of putting a small iradecent trail (permantely fixed) behind the bike.

I just need to work out the mesh/model

I did make some white armor with the neon lines in it :smile:
you should go over the character textures as well.

You should work up a list of weapons as see how you can make them work. You talked about discs and spears, but most of the heart of this game is the melee combat. I remeber tron (from the movies, never played the new games) and the only melee weapon was the light staffs that the guards carried.

(BTW not knocking your idea, a while back I did an online game -using the byond engine- based on an old tron game. It would be good to see something like this fully mature, but if you don't work out the concepts from the begining, you may hit a roadblock later on... Good luck with the mod and keep at it!)
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