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I've heard stories that amazon women removed their other breast (by burning?), for it is easier (and more effective) to shoot a bow without such a cumbersome thing in the way...
ilex said:
I've heard stories that amazon women removed their other breast (by burning?), for it is easier (and more effective) to shoot a bow without such a cumbersome thing in the way...
Yea, greek mythology claims this. Although some wise people claims just opposite. As always.
I suggest just to chose whether Amazons in your dreams have full or "improved" breast. It is called "creativity" :wink:
It is nonesense, then why the women archers in olympics dont mutilate their breasts too? Plus in all the paintings Amazon women are shown with two breasts.
It is nonesense, then why the women archers in olympics dont mutilate their breasts too?
In good ol' DDR they didn't have to. Nowdays so called athletes tend to have more life than sport.
Even if they did, they would do it for sword use. I don't think woman breast would be a serious problem in archery (unless like they are huge...please don't spill your saliva after this side note) (I am doing archery but being a male, I never tried it with breasts -naturally-, so I can just guess).
Sina said:
Even if they did, they would do it for sword use. I don't think woman breast would be a serious problem in archery (unless like they are huge...please don't spill your saliva after this side note) (I am doing archery but being a male, I never tried it with breasts -naturally-, so I can just guess).
I say, this demands for an experiment. next time you go shoot your bow, put on a BH and fill it with melons and then something smaller and then something smaller etc.. untill you simulated every possible cupsize

then, report back on the following issues

1 do breasts in general hinder Archery?

2 at what cupsize do breasts affect your archery skill the most if they affect you at all.

3 if they hindered you, how exactly did they hinder you
yes they would work too, I realize melons might be a bit large, tough some woman do have abnormally large breasts. so you might as well try it annyway for the sake of sience
1- What is DDR?
Deutsche Demokratische Republik, also known as East-Germany. It is famous for its "female" athletes, who were given hormones (male hormones or such) from very young age, so they didn't look so female anymore. (No big boobies).

2- But they can use the bows pretty well cant they? So there is no need to kill your one breast.
If they were into bow competitions they prob. could. They had no breasts, so there was not really anything to kill.
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