Good Mods?

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Ok well I am getting more and more into this game since I bought it in November and was wondering what are some good mods? :?: I have been playing Eagle and the Radiant Cross and Custom Settlements Mods for a few weeks, but now I am getting a little tired of the same thing.
Check out most of the mods in Cartographer's guild.

Also, I suggest Roots of Yggrsaldi. (Spelling is way off, it's under Viking series by the way.)
Your mocking laughter pleases me. You shall be a high prelate in my priesthood. Please remove your testicles as soon as is convenient.
You are correct young one. Once you are made into a eunuch you will be a fine priest to lead my worshippers.
The Native Expansion is great for those newer players (you and I have been playing for about he same amount of time). I've really enjoyed playing the 1297 Britain mod and the Hundred Years War mod. The Peloponnese War mod was good too but hasn't been updated in a long while.
Ive played quite a few mods actually but none can satisfy my hunger for the new. I fear soon I will have to mess with python to make a mod in my likening.
There was an old mod called Expanded Gameplay but we have no updates yet.
Unitl then Sword of Damocles is far and away the most immersive mod out there.
Viking series is great for foot battles, getting down and dirty.
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