golden hours

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Three winged turkey said:
what does everyone think of their time on the earth
what are they going to do with whats left of it
do you consider these things on a daily basis

Break the record for the largest amount of alcohol consumed, and the most cucumbers eaten simultaneously. The sole purpose of my lif is to prepare for this event.
My purpose is to enjoy the time I have on earth :smile:

If there were any 'higher purpose' of some sort for us, it should have made itself damn clearer.
Well, I know what I'm not gonna do, and that is wasting my time posting in geeky internet forums. Bah, I hate people that spend their time on forums :roll: .

*Smilie with tongue out*
In few years I am going to be the supreme overlord of Earth and before I die I am going to disintegrate this measly little planet and laugh as everything goes back to atoms.
meh, im here to live... and drink... and eat... and to shag every girl that gives me the slightest bit of attension... thats basically it... oh yeah and to overthrow Bill Gates as the most powerfull nerd in the world!!!
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