Going console.

Should mount&blade be released to the consoles when it's finished?

  • 1) Yes, I myself am a console user, and I'd like it.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 2) Yes, I'm not a console user, but I'd like it for those who are.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 3) Don't really care.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 4) I wouldn't like it, because I don't have a console.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 5) I'd hate it, why would they do such a stupid thing?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 6) I'd like it, but for other reasons than mentioned.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 7) I wouldn't like it, but for other reasons than mentioned.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

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I myself am a console user, and don't have the best computer.
But what I'm saying is when mount&blade is finished in the far future, I'd really like to play it on a console, because that'd play much better with the vibration, controls in a handreach and all, and I dont have to spend money on both a console and better Pc.
Also the battles could be larger, graphics upgraded without having to worry about system specs.. do I need to go on?
Personally I think it'd attract a much wider audience than just the intensive internet users.

It's just a suggestion, but I'd really like it, and I'm not rushing or anything, but please consider, even if it's in the far far future.
By the way, I don't think this'd be the best place to post such a poll, because I think only PC users browse on these forums.
Thank you for reading, comments?

From what I know, development kits for consoles are expensive and/or more or less given exclusively to big mainstream game companies. And even they need to make a cool-flashy-effects tech demo first to be even considered for being given a dev kit licence.
Its quite unfeasible for a number of reasons
1. they would need a publisher which I myself am against, I'd rather pay the full price be it 12€ or 25€ directly to arma than finance "the suits" golf gear and vacations :wink:
2. last time I checked porting pc->console isn't all that easy, I recon you have to rewrite big parts of the engine for it
It isn't a mouse keyboard game, have you even ever played on a console..?
And yes, but I'm talking about the long run, maybe getting a publisher or so.. just speculating though.

Lost-Lamb said:
Its quite unfeasible for a number of reasons
1. they would need a publisher which I myself am against, I'd rather pay the full price be it 12€ or 25€ directly to arma than finance "the suits" golf gear and vacations :wink:
2. last time I checked porting pc->console isn't all that easy, I recon you have to rewrite big parts of the engine for it
Yes that's so true, but wouldn't it attract a much wider audience than just these 8000 or so people who've already bought it.. I think they'd (a+i) come out even better even when just a % of the profit goes to them.
/no-no shouldnt ever happen... if it did it would kill what M&B stands for a good PC game not a ****ty console conversion.... anyway games are always better on pc than on consoles.... GTA series, anyone? :wink:
It isn't a mouse keyboard game

If you want to use bows or any other ranged weapon, you aim with mouse. I think thats why FPS games in general are not well suited to consoles. Why don't the Sony and Microsoft put mouse in their consoles anyway?. The problem would be solved. Those machines can easily support mouse I guess.
I prefer PC games, but some console games are far better then PC variants... (ie Mortal Kombat, all driving simulations...)
Raz said:
Yes that's so true, but wouldn't it attract a much wider audience than just these 8000 or so people who've already bought it.. I think they'd (a+i) come out even better even when just a % of the profit goes to them.
Well yes and no, you really think the average mainstream gamer would even give this a look if it was put on a shelf between The Sims 2 and GTASA?
Yes actually I think they would, even in it's current state it gets a lot of positive reactions, both gamers and websites.
But I'm talking about the long run, when the game gets better and finishes, it'll be much much better than it is now, and actually stand up to all those current console games. You guys seem to forget that I'm talking about the long run. Therefor I mean years. But I think it's an imposible discussion, since the only people browsing these forums are pc-only users, with an extreme disgust of consoles.

And for the keyboard+mouse/controller issue:
The melee combat would be ideal for a controller, with the vibration.
Ok, I admit, archery'd be less but you should see some people play Halo or such, then talk again about aiming issues with a controller.

edit: Pff never mind, most of you don't even look further than your nose long is
Well, put simply, i think that console systems generally tends to cater to a younger audience. Hence why console games almost always have top notch graphics when they're released. Gotta have eye candy for the kiddies. That being said, i think the graphics alone would drive the majority of console users away. Although i do have to say that RPG's are generally of much higher quality on console, storyline wise especially. But fps's are nowhere near as fun on console as they are on pc. That's why console lovers go crazy over a game like Halo, because it is basically a dumbed down version of Unreal Tournament. That, and the fact that the mouse/keyboard is so vastly superior to the control pad, even someone who had never played Halo (or any console fps) before would dominate with those controls.
Well, put simply, i think that console systems generally tends to cater to a younger audience.

Not true anymore. The console players gave grow older.

Although i do have to say that RPG's are generally of much higher quality on console, storyline wise especially

Not true. Console RPGs (japanese-style RPGs) tend to have better graphics than computer RPGs, but for storyline, they usually suck: childish, simplistic worlds; shallow, cliché characters; lots stupid of plot turns to keep players interested. Is always the same ****, after all. Most computer RPGs are not much better, really, but at least tend to be more varied.
Raz said:
I myself am a console user, and don't have the best computer.
But what I'm saying is when mount&blade is finished in the far future, I'd really like to play it on a console, because that'd play much better with the vibration, controls in a handreach and all, and I dont have to spend money on both a console and better Pc.
Also the battles could be larger, graphics upgraded without having to worry about system specs.. do I need to go on?
Personally I think it'd attract a much wider audience than just the intensive internet users.

Surely a console creates more worries about specs, being stuck at whatever they put in it when released? Besides which since the specs on most consoles are below what you find in the average PC it would hardly lead to larger battles or better graphics without reducing something else.

Also there's the whole Mod thing to consider. A good Mod scene can both improve the game and lengthen its lifespan considerably. Consider Morrowind - still going strong on the PC thanks to a very active Mod scene. Not something you tend to get with consoles.
If the game ever'll be released on consoles, if, the grahpics would be top notch, so more issues about that. Also the gameplay would be top notch, so no mods would be needed. And I still play morrowind, and by the way, for instance, on X360 you can download mods for your games.
I say it again, read my posts better, I'm talking about the long run, very long, so no worries about graphics and such. By the time it'd be finished, and they even were considering to bring it to a console, all of the major elements would already be in the game, like a story and graphics as mentioned before. So it'd easily stand up to the top notch RPG's, I'm sure.
My take is this: If it gets armagan and ipek more money, and hence an easier time producing M&B 2, I say go for it. I'm not a big fan of producers either, but if it helps out Armagan and Ipek, I wouldn't mind so much that people were giving the producers even more money. And I think that porting the game to the console will make it much more mainstream. I've already "converted" two friends who were relatively-mainstream (one was major mainstream) gamers to the game, so I think it would certainly sell, especially considering the rising age level of your average gamer (console included).

The problem is, can the game's novelty and uniqueness be maintained if it's ported to console?

As a side note: In all fairness Raz, you can't really open a poll and then flame people when they're votes don't coincide with your views. :???:
Moving a game from PC to console is an expensive and time-consuming process (it can be going from console to PC as well, if the effort is put in to change the game so that expanded abilities of the PC can be used; unfortunately, many companies don't bother), and I'd rather see aramgan & co. working on M&B 2 than enslaving themselves to a publisher to redistribute the same game.
I don't like this idea, the only amatuerish game I've ever heard of even coming close to standing shoulder to shoulder with the big boys is Alien Hominid.

Most of the people I pose this game to are console gamers at heart and they laugh at this game, do you know why? Graphics whores, this game doesn't have good graphics, it just doesn't and if you gave it "years" it still wouldn't have good graphics unless you threw a team of graphic designers at it like all other major video game projects it would fall behind as fast as it is updated, Armagan and his wife could probably make the graphics look better if they were given significant time to do so, unfortunately, time also marches on while this happens rendering their work obsolete as fast as they can produce it because it is just the two of them.

And, regardless of if you want to believe it or not, graphics are what tends to matter most to people just as the physical beauty of the opposite sex tends to be what matters most to a lot of people.

Finally, this game would not play well on the consoles, if given a lot of work and testing it could be comparable but never as good. The closest console FPS or shooter of any kind that even came close to emulating the precision and ease of an FPS on the PC is Halo and Halo 2. It wouldn't sell, it would be a sleeper hit some people would like it very much just like the cult following the game has right now, but it wouldn't appeal to people and as said in this post already with games likes GTA and others on the market it's voice wouldn't be heard.

As for us being closed minded to your words Raz, so are you, as everyone in this thread has seemed to ignore your points you ignore ours.
I'd like to know what polls you got everyone to join in that are telling you that we are all rabid pc only gamers. I have a PS2 and play it plenty, I just don't think that this game would work on a console. It's got a bit too much looking around to do to use analog sticks, especially on horseback. to be able to look around as fast as you ned to often, you'd have to have extremely high stick sensitiviy, plus I doubt it would sell very well for the console, and it would probably be a little clunky and hard to control.

Edit: On your poll there are 5 out of 24 people that say they don't have a console. Way to be a majority.
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