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Sergeant at Arms
What do you people think of implementing gloves in the game?
It could work like any other piece of armor to protect the hands. This might be useful if enemies can knock the weapons out of your hands (and vice versa). For example: stronger bows require leather gloves, battle axes require mail gloves, etc. I would think that wearing gloves while charging an enemy with a sword would deliver more damage because you can hold the sword tighter....or maybe not. :roll: Same with a bow...more damage since it wouldnt hurt as much to draw back the string with gloves.
Anyway, this might not even be realistic, but I find it a little strange to hold a lance with my bare hands. (splinters!)
Many archers did use gloves, but it wasn't the type of glove you are thinking about... It was something like this:


So maybe archers' gloves could have like a +5% bonus to archery, and other gloves could give a protection bonus and a slight attack bonus.
Even if the difference they make is purely aesthetic, I still think gloves would make a wonderful addition to the game. It just seems odd to me somehow without them. Plus, it would kind of help eliminate a graphics problem in the game. I've noticed in first person view that there's been some trouble with hands. As someone who can barely draw a stick figure, I certainly understand that, but putting black gloves on over it might help.
Yeah, when looking in first person, the hands need still need some work. Gloves would do well, I think.
But we all love those hands consisting of about 6 polygons, right? Reminds me of Final Fantasy 7. :lol: Gloves would be a nice addition, even if they didn't add any bonuses. But on the other hand (pun pun, everyone laugh), i would like to have more than just 3 armor slots. Breaking it down a bit and needing 5 or 6 pieces of armor to be fully covered would add to the game a bit i think. In morrowind most suits of armor consisted of...7 pieces i think? And i had hours upon hours of fun collecting different suits. Would still be pretty realistic too.
Well, adding gloves would obviously necessitate a fourth slot...I'm not sure how you'd wind up with 7, but I had been wondering if there was some way to go half and half between chain and plate armor. buy a chainmail hauberk, but then you could just buy a steel breastplate to go over it? I've held off suggesting this, however, because I'm uncertain how it would be implemented with the current slot options.
I believe in Morrowind, from what i remember, it went something like this.
Head (Helmet)
Chest (Breastplate)
Left shoulder/arm (Left pauldron)
Right shoulder/arm (Right pauldron)
Hands (Gloves)
Upper legs (greaves)
Lower legs (boots)
More or less, think we could get something like that in M&B?
the reason we have the armor slots we have now is because each of those parts are seperate hit locations that are regonized when they are hit. to add more armor spots would be adding more hit locations, dunno if thats possible or not. would be cool if we had more, like hands, neck, etc. and hitting those spots would have a deliberating effect on the opponent
We would like to add gloves/gauntlets as well. The only two problems are, it could take some time to work that out and it is kind of difficult to fit another equipment slot to the inventory screen :???:
The thing is that that half of the screen is used during trading. If you had the player's equipped items not show during trade, that might be fixed, but it'd make equipping items harder. Perhaps a compromise is necessary. Increase the armor slots available, and add a scroll bar for the armor slots, like the basic inventory does if you increase the inv. management skill.
Excellent points cork and norph. Hadn't really considered either of those i guess. But, with regards to the different types of armor and hit locations, you COULD still do it without having to add more hitboxes.
If i'm correct, there are 3 different hit locations, upper, middle, and lower, right? If so, what about this?
Head - Effects damage to upper hitbox
Chest armor- Middle hitbox
Right arm - Middle
Left arm - Middle
Hands - Either middle, or have them give certain bonuses to weapons
usage as suggest before
Upper legs - Lower hitbox
Feet - Lower
Probably a bad idea, i guess most ppl don't mind having 3 diff types of armor, oh well!
yeah, each peice of armor would cover a different hitbox, and to have so many hitboxes would probabley slow the game/ take longer to calculate etc. or you could keep the 3 hitboxes we have now, and when you you strike that spot with your weapom, there could be like a x% chance it hits part a, or a y% chance it hits part b, and so on. kinda lame though
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