Giving up your troops

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I've been rounding up some recruits like crazy lately and stuffing them in a castle. I'm leading the swadian rebellion and wondering how best to beef up my lords. Should i level the troops up and hand these lords a handful of knights or not bother and just give them as many recruits as I can shove at em? Do lords have a troop limit? how does the auto-resolve work with high level troops? Does the higher average level preclude their normal recruiting? Or is it all a waste of time and should I just leave the recruits in a castle to make it appear difficult to take? Money isn't much of an issue right now (would it matter if it was?) and I'm at war with the nords and the swadians.
If you like some unknowns in the game and aren't interested in knowing how the internals work, move along.  There's nothing to see here.
My knowledge of the game is incomplete and what I've gathered is mostly stuff I've picked up during playing and from my modding excursions.  I'm sure someone will correct me where I'm wrong, but the following should be more or less in the direction of correctness.
Brent said:
Do lords have a troop limit?
As I understand it, lords have an ideal size that they'll try to get to if they're not within some bounds.  If under, they'll hire up to 3/4 of their wealth.  If over, they'll get rid of guys to keep within 150% of their ideal size.  When dropping guys, they prefer to keep high level faction troops (so a Swadian lord is more likely to drop Vaegir troops than native ones). 
how does the auto-resolve work with high level troops?
Not especially well!  Higher troops will do better but over a certain amount of guys and levels it just doesn't matter anymore.  Unless there's a very large level difference on average, the larger lord's army will usually win.  You can read all about my spellunking into its innards here:,58962.0.html.

Does the higher average level preclude their normal recruiting?  Or is it all a waste of time and should I just leave the recruits in a castle to make it appear difficult to take?
Higher level troops are better than lower level troops for AIs but not as better as they are for you.  Also note that AI leaders don't train as often or as well as players do so lower level troops will stay lower on other lords longer.  If your troops bump them above their ideal size, the lord will stop recruiting.  Unless you're playing a mod and they've changed the reinforcements templates, AI lords will only rarely pick up top tier troops.  That should be enough info to make your own decision  :mrgreen:
thats the sort of thing I was looking for thanks. Now I'm just curious as to how much other people give away their troops. I tend to live on a "training army" that just has a couple high lvls and that way I can feed my castles and cities with new top teir units. Do other people just hang onto their top teirs until the entire army is that? At what point do they dump them off to the garrison or another lord?
I train my army to my top tiers and then usually leave about 20 top tiers in any new castle I capture. I've never given troops to the other lords when I was leading a rebellion. they just wouldn't use them as well as I did.
Anxe said:
I train my army to my top tiers and then usually leave about 20 top tiers in any new castle I capture. I've never given troops to the other lords when I was leading a rebellion. they just wouldn't use them as well as I did.

I do exactly the same... though I leave more troops in my castles (40-75). Running around with a low level army seems like a waste to me. Level those puppies up and you'll have a warband of hungry Rottweilers.
I tend to leave troops in castles so that I only have nice round numbers in my army, but then I get pissed off because of the uneven numbers of men in my castles, so I start disbanding them.

Anyhow, if you have spare troops you may as well just use them as cannon fodder if you don't want them taking all your cash.
I was just getting tired on my wimpy lords running through enemy territory (when i was hoping they would recruit) and getting killed off by the enemy. I hold more castles than I have lords and can only defend against so much as one person. the garrisons in castles are there just to help out once my guys get there. I try to train as much as humanly possible. Maybe I should just go more offensive and take out lords instead of hoping that mine survive an encounter.
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