SP - UI Give the Auto allocate option a player-guided template

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Give us the option to create a template for how we want clan members to have their perks, focus points and attribute points allocated.

Problem: Currently the auto allocation system just selects random upgrade paths out of the player's control, this means you either choose to micro manage each clan member or you just let them screw up their stats, which is essentially destroying half of their usefulness for QoL reasons. This would be less of a problem if hero characters could unlock all their skills by training everything one at a time, but that's not how leveling works in this game.

Solution: Instead, we should be able to select an attribute and say "hey, if a member levels up, put their attribute points here first or until a certain level", then queue a second attribute, etc. We should be able to select a skill and say "hey, if a member levels up, put their focus points here first until it maxes or until level x", and then go to another skill and select them as the second priority. And the same for perks, when you select a perk you should be given the option of "when a member unlocks this perk, always select this perk".

I believe this would be a very natural way of allowing the player to use and set up an auto allocation system, while still allowing them to be efficient without micro management.

My current system of determining what perks to select, considering there are a few hundred, is advising a self made chart highlighting which perks I personally prefer being used on companions/myself, so as to not dwindle on determining which perk is better when one of my companions unlocks one every few minutes give or take. It works quite well, but it's still a chore, and updating such a chart is not exactly convenient.

I believe the game would benefit greatly from allowing the player to create their own template naturally as they play the game and compare perks against one another, instead of expecting the player to memorise every perk they prefer and always fully understanding what suits their playstyle the best or suits this member's role the most.
This would work out if as other mention before we had better partyroles. Or call them careers.
When you hire a wanderer one choose a career, like caravanleader or captain. Same when a child is born. A spouse would already have a role from their clan.
Most are now a jack of all trades.
This would work out if as other mention before we had better partyroles. Or call them careers.
When you hire a wanderer one choose a career, like caravanleader or captain. Same when a child is born. A spouse would already have a role from their clan.
Most are now a jack of all trades.
I like that idea. Maybe instead of one overall template, the player can create multiple custom templates of what they'd want a member to level up as, and then when going to a character's stat screen there's an option to select an auto allocate option using template x.

The game could offer a few premade templates showing what they'd focus on, and then add slots for two or three custom templates adjusted at the player's discretion.
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