SP - General Give smith NPCS more uses e.g. make and repair weapons & armour

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So I'm talking about the notables that own smithies. You should be able to talk to them and have them/their workers create a custom weapon or an existing armour for the player. This is so that players do not have to hunt a specific armour piece, or spend 8 years trying to unlock all the smithing components. Obviously those prior parts of the game will be improved in the coming months, but even so it would be nice and it would make sense that a lord could just order gear from a smith.

How I think this should work is you go up to them, ask them to create weapon/armour. They will only create gear from their respective culture. Sturgian smiths will not forge Aserai equipment. There is some overlap, e.g. both Khuzaits and Sturgians use Vendel helmets, so they will both forge anything that overlaps. Not every city has a smith, but if you buy out a workshop and change it to a smith, there is an NPC inside that will be the smith.

If you want a weapon then it opens up the smithing screen, everything from that culture is unlocked, but the higher tier parts get expensive very quickly - e.g. 50k+ for a top tier gilded sword. So with all the unlocked parts you just create your own sword and it will say the total price and price of each component, and time it will take. I'd imagine it would only take like a week or two for him to create a high quality weapon.

If you choose an armour it should open a shop-like catalog of armour and you select one or more armour pieces you want. If you choose a piece that is part of a set, they might offer you the full set at perhaps a small discount. The total price and individual armor price will be displayed. To make armour it will take much longer than to create a weapon, depending on the type. Body armour will take up to a month or two for top quality stuff, pauldrons won't take long at all. The armor is not custom, it is just existing stuff that can be hard to find like cataphract helmets and lamellar cuirass and stuff.

Also relating to this, you should be able to pay an additional fee to have the item delivered to your inventory as soon as it's done, otherwise you have to pick it up yourself. You get to name the item if it's a weapon, this could be in the forge screen or once it is in your inventory. The smith should additionally be able to repair weapons and armor with negative modifiers, once those are in the game, and also be able to upgrade the modifier (this was a feature in Viking conquest). Well that's it for now, hopefully that wasn't too long.
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