Give me my life back

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PLEASE... make it go away... make this game crash or develop a timed bug to never work again!

MY life is falling apart-I can only think of the next time I will have an encounter with a huge army-how and where I will pick off those heads from. How I will make my warhorse survive while I pick off those enemy knights and still be able to make my army make that final charge when I'm about to die.

I keep thinking of how to get my hands on cool gear, how to find cooler missions and those god damned elusive chargers-"Why wont those hordes of killed knights leave behind their chargers for me in the loot?"

Then theres the endless days spent trying to pump up my own worthless army (team) - like in real life "Why do i have to do all the work around here?"; they die like flies in the face of any REAL challange... but I live for the moment they come in sweeping to save my ass when I'm almost whooped.


PS: Whats it like at lvl 58? :wink:
I think this game should come with a disclaimer, saying you netter not have any semblance to a social life, because you'll lose it once m&b comes along.

I planned my fix well. I got the demo sometime before my final exams, and i built about a dozen characters up to level 6 or so. I bought my serial number just after my final exam, and had two whole guilt free weeks to satisfy all my m&b urges. At the end of those two weeks i was sick of it.
The fever passes; and then you're yourself again: a broken, hollow shell of a man who still occasionally shouts to passersby "Hold Position!" or "Where's Borcha?" and is so suspicious that a Khergit horseman is readying an arrow that he often zig-zags while driving. Even that passes, and he ends up rarely playing anymore, just posting conspiracy theories on the forums and reading the 42nd request for a "shield bash."
Hopefully this is just some exaggeration of what should really be in the Introduction/Thank you thread. :wink:
When buying the game you should have read the small print, where you accept to sell your soul to Armagan (in Hell aka. devourer of souls). Now your soul is gone and M&B is substituting it.
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