Getting Warband to work using a usb key

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Hello, I would like to play Warband on a pc away from home, in wich I have very little HD space for me.

So I copied my installation folder on a key and tried it (simple things first  :lol:).

Alas, it says there is a dll missing, about directX. The computer has dx9c, and there are no files named like this in the installation directory (nor on application data or the my documents folder, as far as I searched).

Is there possible to play Warband from a data key ? Should I install it on instead of simply copying it ?

Btw, I use the gamersgate version.

Thx for reading
Copying is illegal  :neutral:

Why not take the CD with you, and install it? Its not that much of a problem.

Edit: Ah, I read that just now. Take it on an external HD?
Well, I supposed there was no difference between a usb storage device and an external HD... The only one I see is that I can't install a whole OS on my key only for gaming. Plus, it won't work since those pc's have limited boot menu.

About copying, I bought the game, and I have my own license key. I'm not speaking of sharing the game. The only thing I'm wanting to do is making it work with very restricted static HD space (like in a cyber, or in a more... academic place  :roll:).

Ty for your answer anyway :wink:
Try to install it again from the CD, but this time save it on the USB stick? But I don't think you can play it on the other computer without taking out the data from the stick?
Mixedpotatoes said:
Copying is illegal  :neutral:

Why not take the CD with you, and install it? Its not that much of a problem.

Edit: Ah, I read that just now. Take it on an external HD?

Copying isn't illegal. Are mods illegal?

When the game installs itself it probably doesn't only puts files in the folder you see them in. Since they use external libraries and **** they probably need to have files somewhere else. Like in directx. You'd be better off asking this in technical problems forum.
I fear the dll missing thing will be quite a problem if it has nothing to do with the game itself

And I don't have any CD of the game. I bought it there : This platform works like steam, but without all this application b******* that eradicates your CPU :mrgreen:

Maybe I could try to install Directx on the stick, but it will probably be more like a complete mess if there is another version on the static HDD  :shock: And I wonder how to say to the computer "Hey, directx is here !"

I'll be asking there NordArcher, thank you  :grin:

Yes what dll does it need?

Copying the game isn't illegal, you are allowed to make as many copies as you want for your own personal use. You arn't allowed to copy the game and give it to a friend to use at the same time as you.

M&B warband might put in a few registery keys it is expecting as well, so simply copying the installation folder might not work anyway. You could install it on your work computer to the USB device then it will probably run fine, just remove it from the add/remove programs list :razz:.
Hmm, well simply note down the *.dll name, google for it or check this link.
Download and copy the dll into the same folder the warband exe resides in and if that's the only issue the game should work afterwards.
Worked for me when I had such problems but I don't promise anything and you're using it at your own risk ofc.
Oh, if you have the same dll on your main computer you can just grab it from there (just use the search all harddrives function).
I'd still be surprised if warband runs smoothly from a stick with little disk space, though.
uhh, hook your laptop or computer up the to internet and redownload it?

sales FAQ said:
Q: Can I install Mount&Blade on more than one computer?
A: You can install Mount&Blade on a second computer provided you own them both. For example you can install it on your desktop computer and your laptop simultaneously.
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