Getting to sleep

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What are your tips and tactics?

Its 6am here and I just spent 7 hours tossing and turning with no sleep at all. Nada. Zilch. I'm open to any and all suggestions!

Seriously though, I'm the last person you should come to for advice on getting to sleep. I've tried everything, and it doesn't work. The most successful (but still ultimately a failure) method was medication, so find whatever you've got in the house that can cause drowsiness.
Unless it has the opposite effect, and wakes you right back up. Personally, I use exercise to stay alert when I'm trying to stay awake.
Mage246 said:
Unless it has the opposite effect, and wakes you right back up. Personally, I use exercise to stay alert when I'm trying to stay awake.

Huh. Your extra alert when your exhausted? That is... wierd, to say the least.
Bugman, the first thing is this:
Do not associate waking activities with your bed. Apparently, this queues your mind to think that bed = activity, such as reading, for example, instead of rest and REM sleep.
Second, many people find that white noise can help, like the droning of a fan, which is why many I know have difficulty getting to sleep when it starts to get cooler, and they no longer need the fan in the window.

Third, physical exhaustion can help, but you need to plan ahead with that.
As Mage jokingly suggested, masturbation does clear the mind and relax the body, allowing you to ease into sleep.

There are others, but they have left my mind for the moment - I do hope that helps.
Oh, yes - I find sometimes that what helps me is the density and form of the blankets - sometimes, even if I'm perfectly comfortable, the blankets allow too much movement - if they're a bit heavier, as in one more layer, it "calms" my body and allows me to "settle" in.
When I was in grade 4 I had an insane amount of trouble getting to sleep, so here's what I did.
Every night before bed, I had a nice cup of tea (there are teas that are supposed to make you relax, try that out) and then I just went to bed and almost CONCENTRATED on sleeping. I kept saying to myself "I can get to sleep, I just need to relax". You have to convince yourself that you are going to fall asleep. Mind over matter. That's all it is.
AgentSword is correct, on both parts - though the second part is more subjective than objective.

I do believe my mother has something called a "Sleep-Time Tea" - whether that be the brand name or her own name for it, I do not know, but it may be a lead.
Yep, they're herbal teas instead of being made with actual tea leaves. I'm pretty sure they contain little to no caffeine unlike normal tea.
Archonsod said:
Cool air helps. Particularly in this ****ing weather.

Hella true. My aircon/fan runs all year long, and I never really have too much trouble sleeping. I'm always exhausted after school, anyway. I used to have insomnia as a kid, but most likely because our bloody parents put us to bed at 6.
I find that activities associated with water often help me sleep. Sailing or kayaking for an afternoon, or going swimming for a couple of hours, or just walking along the sea front. Fresh air will do wonders especially if you do physical exercise too.

In hot weather I find it difficult to sleep (or rather, I wake up a lot) but weather notwithstanding, I can often put myself to sleep by meditating. I just lie on my back, close my eyes, and clear my mind. I also slowly loosen all the muscles in my body, which also relieves tension.
Only chicks can meditate. Men have to think of where to find the next gazelle and ****.
I had this same problem when i was 13.
I dont know how, but i kinda grew out of it.

Nowdays, almost every time i lay my head on the pillow, i start sleeping instatly.
Waking up, then is another thing...
I'm usually alright with sleeping. Sure it takes a couple of hours just lying there but last night was the first time I could actually watch the sunrise and 4:23am.

I'll give some of the suggestions a go next time. Thanks.
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