Kylex Treimir
I'm not sure how many days I've been playing M&B, but enough to get to level 26. I've had a week off of work and school's done for the semester, so, yeah... lol
I pledged my sword to Sanjar Kahn of Khergit Khanate. I was given the village of Dusturil a while ago and have been improving it (Watch Tower and Currently working on Mill). How can I get more villages? Or Towns?
I have 860 Renoun, 0 Honor. Do I keep fighting for Sanjar Kahn to gain more villages etc, or need I fight for someone else to be given more? I'd imagine if I keep fighting for Sanjar Kahn he'd eventually give me something... is there some point at which you'll be offered more? IE: Get to X Renoun or X Honor and you'll be offered another village, town, etc...
Another question on a different topic: Is there some way to save a game in the middle of a battle? I get into some battles where the ratio is 2:1 - 4:1 in the enemies favor, and they take forever. After this week I wont have as much time on my hands to play M&B, so it would be nice if it were possible to quit when you need to, rather than have to fight a battle for 2 hrs before being able to save. I'm not to worried with the whole "realism" settings in terms of saving...
Also, great game! My friend showed me it about 3 years ago. It looked interesting, but I was too busy playing Tribes 2 to really get into it, then a friend that I play Fallen Empire: Legions with mentioned it, so I went and bought it. Wow this game is addicting lol. I'm looking forward to see what they do with the multiplayer expansion!
I pledged my sword to Sanjar Kahn of Khergit Khanate. I was given the village of Dusturil a while ago and have been improving it (Watch Tower and Currently working on Mill). How can I get more villages? Or Towns?
I have 860 Renoun, 0 Honor. Do I keep fighting for Sanjar Kahn to gain more villages etc, or need I fight for someone else to be given more? I'd imagine if I keep fighting for Sanjar Kahn he'd eventually give me something... is there some point at which you'll be offered more? IE: Get to X Renoun or X Honor and you'll be offered another village, town, etc...
Another question on a different topic: Is there some way to save a game in the middle of a battle? I get into some battles where the ratio is 2:1 - 4:1 in the enemies favor, and they take forever. After this week I wont have as much time on my hands to play M&B, so it would be nice if it were possible to quit when you need to, rather than have to fight a battle for 2 hrs before being able to save. I'm not to worried with the whole "realism" settings in terms of saving...
Also, great game! My friend showed me it about 3 years ago. It looked interesting, but I was too busy playing Tribes 2 to really get into it, then a friend that I play Fallen Empire: Legions with mentioned it, so I went and bought it. Wow this game is addicting lol. I'm looking forward to see what they do with the multiplayer expansion!