Getting stomped

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So I DL'd the demo and played my way to 6, I liked the game enough that I bought a key. While I was poking around I saw that I was playing on poor AI and 1/4 damage so I set things to normal and good AI. Now I can't win a training fight and I last about 2 hits in the arena.

It seems like even the novice fighters can swing their weapons 3x faster than I can. Is the game really that hard or am I doing something horribly wrong?

I suspect part of the problem is just bad habits learned from playing on easy but it still gets frustrating. I looked through the FAQs but nothing seems to work for me.
it isn't that difficult. it get's easier when you reach higher levels. until then you can just play at an easier level.
When you are level one, you are very weak. In the training sessions, you should keep an eye on the yellow arrows above you and your opponent, they tell you the direction of the attack that you will make (should you click the mouse button to do so) and that of your opponent. Keep your block up at all times if you have a shield and work them into a corner, once there, as soon as they try to swing hack away and they'll go down... timing will take practice. If you do not have a shield, I generally ready a thrusting type attack and wait for the enemy to approach, as soon as they try to swing, release the attack, again timing is critical. If the attack is successful, you'll knock them back a bit and often they'll back off. If so, reload and repeat. I usually can get through training by the time I'm level 3, so you can tell that I lose quite a bit! To help your speed, raise agility, that helps.

If you have a horse, you can advance your levels faster by taking on river pirates solo. To do this, ready your hunting crossbow and shot them at close range, ride away, reload and repeat. You can get your horse to trot at a speed that is slightly faster than them, they will line up behind you and you can pick them off one at a time.

Above all, it takes perciverance, good luck!

Oh, and welcome to the forums!
Train train train.... That is all I can say. Soon you will be able to take on the entire training roster without losing a single fight (from the beginning of course).
What they said, do not fear using an easier setting at the early levels, above everything you are playing this game to have fun, and if you are constantly frustrated, without progress, then don't torture yourself!

At level 50 you should become an unstopable killing machine, you will wish for an Extreme difficulty level by then.

So, don't worry, you WILL get better at it, and as your character progresses he will become better at it too, trust me, trust us, soon enough you will be bragging about how you defeated a band of Sea Raiders single-handedly!
Right, what McPa said. I have a level 31 character right now and I just took a band of 63 up against 157 (Mag7 mod) and came out with over 50 units still alive. Things do get easier.
As you play you will get better at judging your opponents and your character will get quicker and much better. I play full damage good AI, 40 battle size right now. I don't train in the arena or training room, I just take the river pirates quest and start trading and choose my starting enemies carefully.

Still on a trial demo huh?
I would like to say that if you buy the game, it makes it easier! hehe... but the truth is you just have to get used to the combat speed and swing.

Getting stomped in the arena or training area is nothing compared to standing in the way of a horde of dark knights at good combat AI and normal damage settings. I usually don't get to clean the mud off my visor while until their hoofbeats echo in the hills with the rest of my party - borcha and marnid are no help...
I started out on 1/4 damage and gradually got the confidence to move up, took a couple games to get to full damage and I haven't looked back. You get used to it and know when to block etc. As it is, stick at it mate! It's a great game and very rewarding when you win your first really hard battle etc.!
I'd suggest to work on your defense. While it is possible to get two hits in a row, esp. with the more seasonded training partners it might also happen that they hit you before your second blow comes down on them.

So you can try to get into an Attack-Block-Attack routine instead and try to outsmart him with your attacks. E.g. Block and then prepare an attack and release it when he opens for a second strike and so on...
Can make some damn fine training or arena one-on-one fights, lasting sometimes several minutes

I only played on highest difficulty and did never leave the town before I accomplished the training (and don't cheat, of course...). With 0.7xx it definatly got harder, but I like it :smile:
What they said, do not fear using an easier setting at the early levels, above everything you are playing this game to have fun, and if you are constantly frustrated, without progress, then don't torture yourself!

Nah, come on people, is not that hard. I dont consider myself a great M&B player, my hand coordination is terrible, I still lose some ridiculous battles to bandits sometimes and when I lose my horse on a battle, I know Im probably going to be dead soon. But still, I never played on anything but the hardest setting. And I know that even the hardest setting is not hard enough (reaaaally hard would be to fight against real people), even if is hard for me sometimes.

If the guy keeps playing on easier settings, he will never get the hang of this game. The problem is: in the easier settings, is probably very easy to win a fight without any blocking or basic strategy. He got some "bad habits", just like he said, from the easier settings. he is probably rushing towards the enemy attacking like crazy without even trying to defend, and thats why he keeps losing.

Tmon, my advice: keep playing on the hardest setting, even if is frustrating at first. Fight a lot and BLOCK, BLOCK, BLOCK. In little time you will start to win more and more, and then you are going to start thinking that M&B is not hard enough.
Thanks for all the replies. I'd have spoke up sooner but I was too busy playing :grin: I decided to go to half damage and good AI, I'm going to play out my latest character till I hit 90 days and then start over. I am learning the fine art of attack block attack block and it works so much better than the old charge in and attack attack attack.

One follow up question thoughh. Do the bandit/pirate/raider bands continue to grow through the course of the game if they are left alone? I spent a lot of the early game trading or just wandering around and where the standard band used to be 8-10 now I'm getting chased around by bands of 30-40. Should I have tried to kill off the smaller groups or will bigger bands spawn regardless?
No, the size of parties is apparently tied to your level. So as you level up, the size of spawned parties will increase no matter what.
I didnt realise there was a difficulty setting for ages.

I was sick of the game - sick of winning. After discovering it I enjoyed it a lot more with difficulty maxed up. I still dont find combat in the arena and trainer a challenge, but it keeps your hand on the table for fighting outside of Zendar. If I ever dont play M&B for a while, the Zendar facilities are a good way to blow away the cobwebs.

While Im here: Why is my difficulty percentage not 100% with damage, AI and battle size all at the highest settings? How can I make it harder?
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