Getting rid of items?

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I've been meaning to ask this for a while...

Is there any way to get rid of items while out in the wilderness? Say I'm a merchant and there's a fast group of enemies coming up behind me; it would be nice to be able to sacrifice some of my load to gain speed as I race to the next town.

If this isn't implemented already, a 'drop item' option while on the world map would be really nice to see in the future.
Nope, sorry. It annoys me when they are really close, me at something like 8.0 and them at 8.5 and they slowly but surely close in: whilst your safe in the knowledge your over-powered (espically in the early stages of a new game).
And is there a way to get rid of smithys/merchants things when their "inventory" is full so I can sell more stuff?
I don't really like the idea of purging items just cause your in danger. I think it would be better if you could hire caravan escorts if it worries you that much. The reason I am against this is that if you are willing to carry 100 of bags of salt you should understand that there are higher risks involved for making more cash.

Ildur: Just go sell to different merchants because after about 5 days (not positive on that but it is something close to it) the merchant items "reset" so all the stuff you sold them will be gone.
Rando said:
I don't really like the idea of purging items just cause your in danger. I think it would be better if you could hire caravan escorts if it worries you that much. The reason I am against this is that if you are willing to carry 100 of bags of salt you should understand that there are higher risks involved for making more cash.
Having to dump half of them in order to get away from a band of marauders means losing a lot of cash. I think that's risk enough.

Besides, it's simply silly that you wouldn't be able to dump loot in the wilderness. You can disband your troops wherever you want, why can't you do the same with your items?
Rando said:
I don't really like the idea of purging items just cause your in danger. I think it would be better if you could hire caravan escorts if it worries you that much. The reason I am against this is that if you are willing to carry 100 of bags of salt you should understand that there are higher risks involved for making more cash.

Yes, but this is a game based on realism. Any merchant in his right mind is going to abandon his heavy cargo and run in the face of unsurmountable odds. To most people being slightly poorer is better than being slightly deader.

If you were able to drop your goods in game, you'd still face risk - the risk of losing a lot of expensive cargo. In fact--the way the game is set up now--you'd probably lose more money dumping off goods than if you just let the enemy run you down and beat you up (since they generally only steal two or three items most of the time).

I only want item dropping available for the sake of realism; each player could make their own decision about whether to use it or not.

edit: beaten

edit2: Now that I've confirmed that this option isn't currently in-game, maybe a mod could be nice enough to toss this thread over to Suggestions? Thanks in advance. :smile:
This I believe is another discussion on the whole "realism vs. gameplay" concept. While it is more realistic to just dump half your load to escape eminent danger, I don't see how that is higher risk than being knocked out in battle. When one is "killed" in battle they lose: troops, their horse, items, and/or gold. But I do sympathise with you guys.

So, how about when you are attacked there is a kind of barter system where you could maybe pay your attackers about 1500 gold and they would leave you alone for awhile?
I don't see any reason why we shouldn't be able to dump cargo. It only makes sense. And considering that to this point, the game has done a good job of making sense, I'd like to see it continue to do so.
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