Grandmaster Knight

Simple: I had this battle last evening: Me + 60 Vaegir marksmen and 20 vaegir guards vs +/- 300 Swadians. Using my tactical intelligence, i managed to hold off some waves.
but there comes wave 3. Barely 15 archers and 4 infantrymen were left. The last 100 Swadians just slaughtered them, my men had no chance of even shooting an arrow or two ><.
There i stand, with a sword of war, surrounded by the enemy crossbowmen and sergeants and some knights circling around. So i put on some nice music and i went berserk, the crossbowmen were out of ammo, or just didn't manage to hit me. Lambs, they were to my sword. Their infantry, stupid enough not to charge in a close formation, but rather shattered, felt the cold steel of my sword smashing their jaws off and splitting their skulls. Knights were killed too, blablabla, king was captured as the last swadian standing, yap yap yap... I didn't had much renown at then, i was just some smelly commoner.
But when i get into a tavern/speak to a lord they all say: " (insert character name) ? Never heard of you!"
Are they stupid? a (wo)man who slaughtered 100 man in one battle by him/herself must be feared among men, and thus great renown, and than those stupid *****es who call themselves 'Ladiys' : "Never heard of you"... -.- Ok, let's see, ignorant *****, i destroyed a swadian army many times greater then my band of merry men, and i personally slaughtered 100 of them in one battle, maybe THAT person?
I'd just like to see that implemented in the game, because it's just too stupid not to be known among folks even if you have killed a wot of soldiers ><
but there comes wave 3. Barely 15 archers and 4 infantrymen were left. The last 100 Swadians just slaughtered them, my men had no chance of even shooting an arrow or two ><.
There i stand, with a sword of war, surrounded by the enemy crossbowmen and sergeants and some knights circling around. So i put on some nice music and i went berserk, the crossbowmen were out of ammo, or just didn't manage to hit me. Lambs, they were to my sword. Their infantry, stupid enough not to charge in a close formation, but rather shattered, felt the cold steel of my sword smashing their jaws off and splitting their skulls. Knights were killed too, blablabla, king was captured as the last swadian standing, yap yap yap... I didn't had much renown at then, i was just some smelly commoner.
But when i get into a tavern/speak to a lord they all say: " (insert character name) ? Never heard of you!"
Are they stupid? a (wo)man who slaughtered 100 man in one battle by him/herself must be feared among men, and thus great renown, and than those stupid *****es who call themselves 'Ladiys' : "Never heard of you"... -.- Ok, let's see, ignorant *****, i destroyed a swadian army many times greater then my band of merry men, and i personally slaughtered 100 of them in one battle, maybe THAT person?
I'd just like to see that implemented in the game, because it's just too stupid not to be known among folks even if you have killed a wot of soldiers ><