Getting my a** handed to me...

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I have a few questions:

1) I sided with the Vaegirs. We're at war with Nords, Khergit, and Rhodoks and are losing horribly. We don't control any castles anymore. Rhodoks and Khergit own them all. Should I stay with them? Is it a lost cause?

2) I always seem to lose battles against other armies of roughly equal numbers (e.g., I combine my 40 guys with another lord's 40 and fight 80-100 Khergits/Rhodoks). At the post battle stats, it says I killed/wounded at least as many enemy as I lost, but they just seem to keep on reinforcing/spawning and I end up all alone trying to fight off more than I can handle myself.

3) I know tactics is important, but do I need to level my own character with it, or can I use heroes for that?

4) How can I protect my archers? I always keep a few regular infantry (either Vaegir or mercenaries) along with the archers, but the Khergits (especially) and Rhodoks always seem to wipe them out. Do I need some kind of spearmen? If so, how can I get them?

In general I have the feeling that I'm not getting to use as many troops at one time as the enemy is. Any help would be appreciated. This is a great game, but I seem to be getting nowhere with my commandering abilities :sad:
adamlug said:
I have a few questions:

1) I sided with the Vaegirs. We're at war with Nords, Khergit, and Rhodoks and are losing horribly. We don't control any castles anymore. Rhodoks and Khergit own them all. Should I stay with them? Is it a lost cause?

2) I always seem to lose battles against other armies of roughly equal numbers (e.g., I combine my 40 guys with another lord's 40 and fight 80-100 Khergits/Rhodoks). At the post battle stats, it says I killed/wounded at least as many enemy as I lost, but they just seem to keep on reinforcing/spawning and I end up all alone trying to fight off more than I can handle myself.

3) I know tactics is important, but do I need to level my own character with it, or can I use heroes for that?

4) How can I protect my archers? I always keep a few regular infantry (either Vaegir or mercenaries) along with the archers, but the Khergits (especially) and Rhodoks always seem to wipe them out. Do I need some kind of spearmen? If so, how can I get them?

In general I have the feeling that I'm not getting to use as many troops at one time as the enemy is. Any help would be appreciated. This is a great game, but I seem to be getting nowhere with my commandering abilities :sad:

I would say you've got a bit more leveling up to do, as well as stacking up and training a larger party, before participating in the wars. Both you and your heroes will level up seperately, and it's a good thing to keep up with the best equipment that you can afford when you get the chance.

To bring more troops to the field at one time, you simply need more troops in your party. The more your team outnumbers the enemy, the more likely your troops are to be on the battlefield then the enemy's, and in greater number. Also, it helps to keep hiring more troops, as in any campaign you're bound to lose a few here and there, despite the tactics. And of course, the better experienced (more high tier) they are, the better fight they'll put up.

Not sure what tactics you're using, but as the basics go, remember to keep your archers away from the enemy infantry and safely behind your own infantry. A basic for the cavalry is to allow them to attack from the flanks of the enemy, which you can also do on the battle map (by pressing backspace in the battle, selecting cavalry and maneuvering them independently across the field and charging at the right moment).
Thanks for the tips. I also just found this thread which has a lot of good tips:,63795.0.html

As far as increasing my army size, what number do you usually go with? I suppose I will need to beef up my Charisma and Leadership in order to do that. I believe they are at 8 and 2 now, respectively.
adamlug said:
I have a few questions:

1) I sided with the Vaegirs. We're at war with Nords, Khergit, and Rhodoks and are losing horribly. We don't control any castles anymore. Rhodoks and Khergit own them all. Should I stay with them? Is it a lost cause?

Yes, you should probaly go to a faction that isn't at war with all of them. Try Swadia?

2) I always seem to lose battles against other armies of roughly equal numbers (e.g., I combine my 40 guys with another lord's 40 and fight 80-100 Khergits/Rhodoks). At the post battle stats, it says I killed/wounded at least as many enemy as I lost, but they just seem to keep on reinforcing/spawning and I end up all alone trying to fight off more than I can handle myself.

Your troops are most likely lower tier. Numbers doesn't really mean alot when your guys are all farmers. A good example of this, is when I beat 1000 men with 200 huscarls. Level them up on bandits.

3) I know tactics is important, but do I need to level my own character with it, or can I use heroes for that?

The tactics skill can be useful in totally unmodded native, but adding the Battle Sizer mod makes it void. I'll look it up for you tomorrow. Right now I'm tired *Yawn*

4) How can I protect my archers? I always keep a few regular infantry (either Vaegir or mercenaries) along with the archers, but the Khergits (especially) and Rhodoks always seem to wipe them out. Do I need some kind of spearmen? If so, how can I get them?

To protect your archers, put them on a hill behind your infantry, if said infantry have shields. If not, then recuit nordic or rhodok infantry. But seeing as your at was this is not possible.

In general I have the feeling that I'm not getting to use as many troops at one time as the enemy is. Any help would be appreciated. This is a great game, but I seem to be getting nowhere with my commandering abilities :sad:

Again, the battle sizer mod will help you.
Also, its really important to have a "Medic". Either you or a companion that have high Surgery and Wound Treatment (I don't find Firs Aid that usefull but I guess that helps too).

This means that many more of your troops will get wounded instead of killed, and the wound treatment get them back on their feet really fast!

If you add your size up a bit too, to say 70 or so you'd get much further.

And... You could also start a new game or renounce your oath and try to join some other faction.
I'd pay you to join my enemy faction. You'll bring bad luck and doom to them. I have a feeling the Vaegirs wouldn't have lost so much if you didn't 'help' them...
I was going through the manual, about first aid. You get 25% base chance and another 4% per point. My math skills are a bit rusty however! But if you have 19 points spread out across your heroes your troops would never die, am i correct?

Cant see any mention of a penalty if you're skill is lower than of another party member. I remember reading an old manual before 1.011 that if your skill was not close to that of a party member, that party members skill would not be worth as much. Not sure this is the case any longer since there is no mention of this in the manual. This is what it says about this however:

The party skill bonus is applied even if you are the person with the highest rank in the skill. So if you have a rank of 8 in Tactics, then the effective level of the skill for the party is 8 + 3 = 11.

Hm reading the page before that one it says this:

Party skills are those used by your entire band. Only one character in the party needs to know the skill for the whole party to gain its benefit, though the skill will become more effective if the leader (you) also knows something about it. In other words, a party skill’s effective level is a combination of the skill level of the person who has the best rank in it, as well as a bonus based on your own rank in that skill.

Then they have a little number display that looks something like this:

Your skill  Party skill bonus
1              0
2-4          1
5-7          2
8-9          3
10            4

To be honest i dont make much sense of it.

huldu said:
I was going through the manual, about first aid. You get 25% base chance and another 4% per point. My math skills are a bit rusty however! But if you have 19 points spread out across your heroes your troops would never die, am i correct?

Your math skills are good :smile:. Though, apart from the Trainer skill, party skills don't stack up. Only the highest score is used.

Cant see any mention of a penalty if you're skill is lower than of another party member. I remember reading an old manual before 1.011 that if your skill was not close to that of a party member, that party members skill would not be worth as much. Not sure this is the case any longer since there is no mention of this in the manual. This is what it says about this however:

The party skill bonus is applied even if you are the person with the highest rank in the skill. So if you have a rank of 8 in Tactics, then the effective level of the skill for the party is 8 + 3 = 11.

Hm reading the page before that one it says this:

Party skills are those used by your entire band. Only one character in the party needs to know the skill for the whole party to gain its benefit, though the skill will become more effective if the leader (you) also knows something about it. In other words, a party skill’s effective level is a combination of the skill level of the person who has the best rank in it, as well as a bonus based on your own rank in that skill.

Then they have a little number display that looks something like this:

Your skill  Party skill bonus
1              0
2-4          1
5-7          2
8-9          3
10            4

To be honest i dont make much sense of it.

The highest score of the party is used, then is added a bonus if YOUR score is 2 or more, regardless of you having the highest score or not.
Let's say you have Spotting : 6, Surgery : 5 and Tactics : 1, Rolf has Spotting : 4, Surgery : 0 and Tactics 5. Party scores are Spotting : 6+2, Surgery : 5+2 and Tactics : 5+0
Haha.. I'm darn stupid! I now have 4 companions with 6 in pathfinding and spotting, and I myself have 8 in both.. No wonder why I didn't feel those 24 extra points in each helped..

But.. Trainer stack? To the full amount? So if I have 5, X have 3, Y have 2 and Z have 2 we get 12 in trainer? and not 5+2?
A friend of mine said that the trainer skill is a personal skill and does stack. It does appear like it stacks but who knows... my world has fallen apart :p

I got to start a whole new game now that i know how the stats works :sad:
Maybe trainer is a personall skill that affect the whole party?

So, you train them a bit, X trains them a bit, Y trains them a bit and Z trains them a bit.. That sort of makes sense, no?

EDIT: To the below post, thanks : )
stygN said:
Maybe trainer is a personall skill that affect the whole party?

So, you train them a bit, X trains them a bit, Y trains them a bit and Z trains them a bit.. That sort of makes sense, no?

Yes, thats how it works.
This_is__CALRADIA!!! said:
The highest score of the party is used, then is added a bonus if YOUR score is 2 or more, regardless of you having the highest score or not.
Let's say you have Spotting : 6, Surgery : 5 and Tactics : 1, Rolf has Spotting : 4, Surgery : 0 and Tactics 5. Party scores are Spotting : 6+2, Surgery : 5+2 and Tactics : 5+0

Cool, I finally got it, thx!  ^^
To be honest, when I read the manual the first time, that part about the bonuses was not crystal clear for me. It took me a while :smile:.
huldu said:
I got to start a whole new game now that i know how the stats works
I'm in the same boat here. Its my first game and my party is far from optimised. But I'm too lazy to start a new game, so I'll keep on with this one and will start a new one, better optimised, later, when I get bored of owning all Calradia.  :cool:
adamlug said:
I have a few questions:

1) I sided with the Vaegirs. We're at war with Nords, Khergit, and Rhodoks and are losing horribly. We don't control any castles anymore. Rhodoks and Khergit own them all. Should I stay with them? Is it a lost cause?

2) I always seem to lose battles against other armies of roughly equal numbers (e.g., I combine my 40 guys with another lord's 40 and fight 80-100 Khergits/Rhodoks). At the post battle stats, it says I killed/wounded at least as many enemy as I lost, but they just seem to keep on reinforcing/spawning and I end up all alone trying to fight off more than I can handle myself.

3) I know tactics is important, but do I need to level my own character with it, or can I use heroes for that?

4) How can I protect my archers? I always keep a few regular infantry (either Vaegir or mercenaries) along with the archers, but the Khergits (especially) and Rhodoks always seem to wipe them out. Do I need some kind of spearmen? If so, how can I get them?

In general I have the feeling that I'm not getting to use as many troops at one time as the enemy is. Any help would be appreciated. This is a great game, but I seem to be getting nowhere with my commandering abilities :sad:
I only have one thing to say Vaegirs SUCK!  :grin:
Ye, id stay away from Vaegir. Whats the use of the "best" archers in the game when you barely get any chance to actually use them. For some reason Vaegir always seems to be on the losing side when im playing. Today it was Nords wiping the floor. Yesterday Khergits took pretty much every castle from them. Havent seen that many fights between Swadia and Vaegir yet tho.
adamlug said:
I have a few questions:

1) I sided with the Vaegirs. We're at war with Nords, Khergit, and Rhodoks and are losing horribly. We don't control any castles anymore. Rhodoks and Khergit own them all. Should I stay with them? Is it a lost cause?

2) I always seem to lose battles against other armies of roughly equal numbers (e.g., I combine my 40 guys with another lord's 40 and fight 80-100 Khergits/Rhodoks). At the post battle stats, it says I killed/wounded at least as many enemy as I lost, but they just seem to keep on reinforcing/spawning and I end up all alone trying to fight off more than I can handle myself.

3) I know tactics is important, but do I need to level my own character with it, or can I use heroes for that?

4) How can I protect my archers? I always keep a few regular infantry (either Vaegir or mercenaries) along with the archers, but the Khergits (especially) and Rhodoks always seem to wipe them out. Do I need some kind of spearmen? If so, how can I get them?

In general I have the feeling that I'm not getting to use as many troops at one time as the enemy is. Any help would be appreciated. This is a great game, but I seem to be getting nowhere with my commandering abilities :sad:

Well, here is my standard fighting tactic and kingdom defence style.​
1. Stay with them..but remember attack a base that is alone and not that protected and only take one base till its defended.​
2. This is probably a simple factor that means your men arn't as strong..What level are yours exactly?​
3. A hero should work just as good.​
4. Put infantry behind archers, Then when the enemy gets close tell the Infantry to move ahead and you'll protect them.​

There, now you should have a decent chance against them...but just another warning..I'd stick to attacking the rhodoks.​
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