Getting lords to seige castles

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Hey guys, I'm playing the base game, and I'm assisting a Lord to gain the throne of Rhodok. How do I get their parties to assist with sieges? Is it possible?
I think there are two ways; First you need to have positive relation lords. Find a lord and choose"I have an opinion, follow me" option. If your relation is high they will follow you. Second, become a marshall and order them to follow you. If you become marshall you can even tell the king to follow you.
The "follow me" option will cause them to follow you but they won't assist in a seige.
Well, they should help you if you keep them close to you - unless if the lord really hates you. But that can be quite a pain, since the Calradian lords like to leave you all the time just to chase down some party of 4 looters.
I am actually pretty sure they won't help you in sieges regardless of your relation. The siege help works only if you're Marshall. I am however not sure if you're automatically the marshal of the Rebel faction or not. Try convincing some lords to join your rebellion if you already haven't, and then make them follow you.
Can some1 verify this? When i was rebel i could tell other ppl to folow me, but they DIDNT apear during seiges :/
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