Getting a castle.

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King Ragnar is about to get a large blade shoved through his face.

I have done many things for him, he likes me... enough to give me a HUGE estate. Kulum... it's a really great town.. (sigh)

I used everything I had to take over a castle. Asked for it. He told me I already owned tons of land! (I do? Oh.. that awesome town Kulum) And gave me 800 denars for my trouble (What is 800 den's supposed to buy me? ; /)

So.. I live, I move on with my (life).

Well.. after becoming a lot more known throughout the kingdom and making friends with all the Nord lords.. and so on. - I try it again.

Once again using everything I have to take the castle. I ask for it. He gives me 900 Denars this time. Thanks Raggy. This kingdom wouldn't be the same without ya!


Any advice? I'd like myself a castle. Yes I would.


And hello, all you other people who would love nothing more than to wed this game.

Isn't it addictive?
Renown, get lots of it. It the primary factor in the decision to let you have it or not. Having multiple estates will also be an disadvantage if you want more property.
Whats the fastest way to get it? Doing battle with the people you are at war with? - Oh, also. Do you know if you can change your faction banner/image thing? - Thanks man.
Fighting battles is a good way to get it. Fighting against great odds will net you a max of 50 renown each fight. There are also other ways to acquire it, though it's almost cheating in terms of the methods.

Tournaments will get you 20, if you don't use MageLord's tweaks to raise it or lower it.
As for the banner, I think MageLord might also have on of those in his stickied thread.
Thanks a lot for the help man, looking forward to trying some mods after I finish with the original game. - Suggest any?
Knock off his balls with a hammer, force it down his throat, cut off his fingers, cut off his toes, cut off his hands, cut off his feet, cut off his arm, cut off his leg, pluck out his eyeballs, smash his teeth out with a hammer, burn his skin with acid, flog him, laugh at his miserable self in front of his own people.

Now that's done, you 'politely' ask for a castle as a token for your unwavering loyalty.  :twisted:

Seriously just rebel.
Can you get towns/castles if you just end up going ape **** on everyone in the game? Like.. just.. fight everyone into submission? - I'm always evil.. alas.. I feel less evil every time I take an order and don't "shoot em in the head!" - I do love raiding towns though =D

if i had a dollar for every time someone posted a thread asking why they didn't get the first castle they sieged... i'd have plenty of cash to by warband in September and maybe some extra for a alcohol filled weekend. i'm not one to hate on noob topics, but this one has been over the top.
Well, to be fair, this one actually provided us with a story, and it was even a bit amusing! But yeah, it depends heavily on renown, just to reinforce what the other person said.
good point tib. i retract my criticism from this topic and move it more as a general complaint. sorry govna your a good guy.
Govna said:
Can you get towns/castles if you just end up going ape **** on everyone in the game? Like.. just.. fight everyone into submission? - I'm always evil.. alas.. I feel less evil every time I take an order and don't "shoot em in the head!" - I do love raiding towns though =D

You could, it's theoretically possible to capture towns for your own name. However, you're going to meet very heavy resistance. The AI tends to set the settlements that are captured by the players to the top of their priority list on things to do. Marshall will be leading dozens of lords to siege you in an attempt to take it back. They've been known for their persistence in this matter too!

Tiberius Decimus Maximus said:
Well, to be fair, this one actually provided us with a story, and it was even a bit amusing! But yeah, it depends heavily on renown, just to reinforce what the other person said.

That person is me by the way.
I'm having the same problem, with Ragnar too, as it so happens. Renown is at 361; how much higher should it be? I've captured the same four castles over and over again, and the idiot lords keep losing them. When, oh when, will the stone-hearted Ragnar finally regard his faithful, overlooked and seriously underpaid servants?
It should be enough for you to be considered for marshal. So I guess about three times more is about right if you want any sort of guarantee on the stuff you take.
Ironfounderson said:
When, oh when, will the stone-hearted Ragnar finally regard his faithful, overlooked and seriously underpaid servants?

Aye! He's still giving me crap. Thinking about going rogue, be my own little country. Yarp, yarp!
Swadius said:
It should be enough for you to be considered for marshal. So I guess about three times more is about right if you want any sort of guarantee on the stuff you take.

*only screams slightly at the thought of that*

Swadius said:
Govna said:
Can you get towns/castles if you just end up going ape **** on everyone in the game? Like.. just.. fight everyone into submission? - I'm always evil.. alas.. I feel less evil every time I take an order and don't "shoot em in the head!" - I do love raiding towns though =D
You could, it's theoretically possible to capture towns for your own name. However, you're going to meet very heavy resistance. The AI tends to set the settlements that are captured by the players to the top of their priority list on things to do. Marshall will be leading dozens of lords to siege you in an attempt to take it back. They've been known for their persistence in this matter too!

What I have done in the past is start taking out the towns and/or castles I want for myself, then when I have enough, join the faction I want to join. That way I get to keep the fiefs I already have, usually all the towns belonging to the faction I attacked, and then keep going as a vassal of my favorite faction. You have to do it quick though, sometimes the faction you want to join declares war on you, then your strategy is stuffed.

The only way to do this succesfully though is to cram low level troops into your captured towns so they leave you alone, you need anywhere from 500 to 1000 troops, quality isn't the issue, quantity is. Otherwise they just mass up and take you out.
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