Get Well Soon Lurb

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Sorry to hear you are feeling bad.
I will keep you in my prayers for a quick recovery.

GET WELL SOON!!!!!!!!!
No this is where I wanted it.
I think he is a vital part of the editing modder community and he would be more likely to read it here.

I decided to move this thread back.

In case any person who does not know, this is a joke. I have no Mod powers and do not expect or want to be a mod, for atleast a few years and not here.
I'm back, it was mostly a "much ado about nothing" sort of thing, though I'm not in any kind of mood to do much for now, thanks all for your support.
Lurb said:
I'm back, it was mostly a "much ado about nothing" sort of thing, though I'm not in any kind of mood to do much for now, thanks all for your support.

I'm glad you are better and as for doing anything M&B related . . . don't feel rushed: doctor's orders :razz:
Lurb said:
I'm back, it was mostly a "much ado about nothing" sort of thing, though I'm not in any kind of mood to do much for now, thanks all for your support.

Seems to me like that is about the best possible result. Glad to hear it!!

Glad you are back Lurb. Thought you went AWOL. Hope you are feeling better (mentaly and physically, being in the hopsital can be trying, regaurdless of why)

Take your time, just glad to have you back.
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