genuines factions and new ones

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Hi !

How do you mix your Damocles' faction with originals ones ?

For exemple I used to  Aden  + Nord Huscarl, since they haven't superior infantery

Any other good combinaison ?

LOTS of Villianese sharp shooters and what ever infantry and cavalry I can find, I usually end up with 20 swadian knights with 100 archers and 20 or so elite villianese infantry which suck... they just take damage for me archers.
Pfff. Why mix, when you can have pure antarian? Right now, I only have antarian elites and nobles (plus some faith troops) in my army and it gives whole new dimension to ownage :grin:
hum... I don't like at all the look of the Antarian's Knights, too modern I think.
I don't like the Marinian nobles' "golden turtle" armor too.

But I like the Vilian style and Aden is fine too.
mathusalem said:
hum... I don't like at all the look of the Antarian's Knights, too modern I think.
I don't like the Marinian nobles' "golden turtle" armor too.

But I like the Vilian style and Aden is fine too.
I love Siofna's Marinian armor, IMO the colors make them stand out.
I haven't gotten to the point where I can get them, but Nord Huskarls or Rhodok Sergants along with my Villianese Sharpshooters would be great (seriously, Huskarls kick ***).
I use two different army types for what scirmishes I expect. use about 140 adenian heavy cavalry/nobles/cavalry faith troops when slaying enemy lords.
when trying to take a castle I use nords huscarls and adenian archers. my biggest problem atm. is that the nords declared war on me, so my huscarl/warrior ranks are diminishing, so perhaps I have to start with adenian infantry, even though they are too little armored to do sieges.
Diavolo said:
I use two different army types for what scirmishes I expect. use about 140 adenian heavy cavalry/nobles/cavalry faith troops when slaying enemy lords.
when trying to take a castle I use nords huscarls and adenian archers. my biggest problem atm. is that the nords declared war on me, so my huscarl/warrior ranks are diminishing, so perhaps I have to start with adenian infantry, even though they are too little armored to do sieges.
Actually, when I fought the Nords was when I had the most Huscarl/Veterans in my party.  I just captured any prisoners, then talk to them and add them to your party.  By using the menus to talk to them one at a time, there isn't a chance of them running off, and you get renown as a kicker.
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