Sergeant at Arms

Rather than respond to indivudal points in a dozen different threads, I figured I'd give all my current thoughts in one place.. to make it easier on my self. Hope that's all right, and my points aren't too redundant with anyone else's.
1.) The new 'hand' slot is really cool. I was hoping I'd eventually be able to have something rather than bare hands, like in the previous version of the game. However, I'm curious -- has anyone seen any other 'hand armour' besides the leather glove? It's nice and all.. but I was really hoping to see a mail gauntlet and a plate gauntlet to go with those armour types.
2.) Why was the title 'longsword' changed to 'sword?' Longsword was better, in my opinion.
3.) Horses still die (or get crippled) -way- too easily. The only way around that is to cheat and create your own horse with good speed and armour for cheap, otherwise you spend a great portion of the game getting your horse cut out from under you.
4.) The gameplay in general is awesome. I'm having tons of fun running around the map now that thick fog, snow, thick forest, and 'steppe' have been introduced over just "hills with rocks, hills with flats, hills with flats and rocks" for terrain.
5.) I'm not sure if this comment belongs in 'bug reports' or not.. but I'm just going to post it here. I'm getting awefully tired of enemies being able to stab their weapons -through- each other to hit me. It takes the fun out of taking on 5 or 6 guys when they can all swing through each other.. it also makes it very hard to time attacks.
Not hard in the fun way, either.. hard in the lame way.
6.) Cheating is fun. I have two games currently - one where I'm playing to really play.. and one where I'm screwing around with the cheats.. you know, just to see what it's like to be a 60th level character with every piece of equipment you could possibly want...
7.) I don't play video games very often... in the past 2 years the only computer games I've played were Mount & Blade, Battle for Middle-earth, and Stronghold. I like Mount & Blade the most. That's saying a lot since I had high opinions on the other two. It really is a great game, despite some of the problems I have with it.
8.) And just a request: I'd really like to see more diversity in the equipment selections at various merchants. I've run circles around the entire map and never once found particular items (like today I went around the map three times without finding a single mail hauberk). It gets tiresome, and in my opinion ruins some of the fun of the game, when all you want is a particular item and you cannot find it anywhere.
Not sure how that could be remedied, or if it could be remedied, but I'd really like to see it happen.
In any event.. this game is really fun.. I'd happily pay two, three, even four times what I paid for this game, and not consider it wasted money.
1.) The new 'hand' slot is really cool. I was hoping I'd eventually be able to have something rather than bare hands, like in the previous version of the game. However, I'm curious -- has anyone seen any other 'hand armour' besides the leather glove? It's nice and all.. but I was really hoping to see a mail gauntlet and a plate gauntlet to go with those armour types.
2.) Why was the title 'longsword' changed to 'sword?' Longsword was better, in my opinion.
3.) Horses still die (or get crippled) -way- too easily. The only way around that is to cheat and create your own horse with good speed and armour for cheap, otherwise you spend a great portion of the game getting your horse cut out from under you.
4.) The gameplay in general is awesome. I'm having tons of fun running around the map now that thick fog, snow, thick forest, and 'steppe' have been introduced over just "hills with rocks, hills with flats, hills with flats and rocks" for terrain.
5.) I'm not sure if this comment belongs in 'bug reports' or not.. but I'm just going to post it here. I'm getting awefully tired of enemies being able to stab their weapons -through- each other to hit me. It takes the fun out of taking on 5 or 6 guys when they can all swing through each other.. it also makes it very hard to time attacks.
Not hard in the fun way, either.. hard in the lame way.
6.) Cheating is fun. I have two games currently - one where I'm playing to really play.. and one where I'm screwing around with the cheats.. you know, just to see what it's like to be a 60th level character with every piece of equipment you could possibly want...
7.) I don't play video games very often... in the past 2 years the only computer games I've played were Mount & Blade, Battle for Middle-earth, and Stronghold. I like Mount & Blade the most. That's saying a lot since I had high opinions on the other two. It really is a great game, despite some of the problems I have with it.
8.) And just a request: I'd really like to see more diversity in the equipment selections at various merchants. I've run circles around the entire map and never once found particular items (like today I went around the map three times without finding a single mail hauberk). It gets tiresome, and in my opinion ruins some of the fun of the game, when all you want is a particular item and you cannot find it anywhere.
Not sure how that could be remedied, or if it could be remedied, but I'd really like to see it happen.
In any event.. this game is really fun.. I'd happily pay two, three, even four times what I paid for this game, and not consider it wasted money.