I'm going to break this down into 3 parts, and try to keep each point separate from the other, while perhaps having them touch upon other ideas that have already been presented or are being implemented currently with ways of improving their functionaly or build.
Combat: I don't know how many of you have real combat experience, melee or otherwise, but based off my experience sans other previous suggestions here is what I see.
1.) Striking is far too slow when your character is built for speed.
I cheated and gave myself some 20+ agility, chose the fastest sword I could find, and still found my strikes to be painstakingly slow. To make things worse, when I was blocked either by shield or by weapon, I was left open for several seconds unable to block or parry any incoming blows. Speaking purely from a fighters standpoint, when you train to fight in melee combat, your draw-back is just as strong and as fast as your strike was, even when it is blocked. The reason is obvious: I don't want to die or get hurt so I come immediately back to a ready stance to either strike, block or parry once more.
2.) There should be a way to differentiate between a power fighter and a finesse fighter.
Think Jet Lee vs Rocky (Sylvester Stalone).
Jet Lee is powerful because he is as skilled as he is fast. He is graceful and quick. He mixes his strikes, blocks, parrys, dodges and counterattacks fluidly. He is precise and coordinated. He is a Finesse fighter.
Rocky (Sylvestor Stalone) is a beefy brick wall meant to take hits like a champion. He swings a couple very powerful blows and hopes he hits. If he does, down goes his opponent. If he doesn't hit them, he takes some hits and swings again. He is a power fighter.
Logistically speaking, in reference to tactical formations, there should be a way to put the beefy guy in front, and the finesse guy behind him.
Side Note: In terms of physics, there is no way a swadian recruit with 5 strength should be able to
push a character (namely my character) with strength of 12 off a ladder when laying siege to a castle.
Same should go for any unit, hero, or lord in the game.
Skills: Skill(s) not previously mentioned that I believe have some merit pertaining to the rest of the game.
Combat/Leader Experience: This is directly related to the number of enemies killed, battles participated in, battles lost, tactical formations used. This is a Leader skill.
As I see it, the number of enemies killed, battles participated in and tactical formations used (by leaders) should increase this skill. As this skill increases, you should see an increase in tactics, there should be a bonus to troop damage, defense, attack speed, block speed, etc.
Combat Mastery: This is directly related to the number of enemies killed and battles participated in. This is a personal skill.
As the unit/hero/character kills enemies and participates in more battles, this skill should go up. As this skill goes up this should increase attack speed, block speed, movement speed, and precision.
Precision: Critical Damage.
Tactical: As it were, this is a complete reference to tactics.
The more you use a certain tactic, or mix of tactics, more should become available and the more effective said tactic should be. As an example: A shield wall when used only a couple times should decrease damage by 10% base, and decrease the rate of decay on a shield by 30% + 2% for each unit in the shield wall maxing out at 65%. When the shield wall is used many times it would decrease damage by 30%, and decrease the rate of decay on a shield by 40% + 4% for each unit in the shield wall maxing out at 80%. Perhaps a grouped skill could be implemented so that any mounted unit that attempts to charge through has a certain chances to be dismounted, take damage, or cause no charge damage and get stuck.
Suffice to say, I'm typing this out while feeding my 1 month old son at 3 am. I don't feel that I've completely expressed myself properly, but I do hope that the idea of what I'm trying to portray is getting through.
Combat: I don't know how many of you have real combat experience, melee or otherwise, but based off my experience sans other previous suggestions here is what I see.
1.) Striking is far too slow when your character is built for speed.
I cheated and gave myself some 20+ agility, chose the fastest sword I could find, and still found my strikes to be painstakingly slow. To make things worse, when I was blocked either by shield or by weapon, I was left open for several seconds unable to block or parry any incoming blows. Speaking purely from a fighters standpoint, when you train to fight in melee combat, your draw-back is just as strong and as fast as your strike was, even when it is blocked. The reason is obvious: I don't want to die or get hurt so I come immediately back to a ready stance to either strike, block or parry once more.
2.) There should be a way to differentiate between a power fighter and a finesse fighter.
Think Jet Lee vs Rocky (Sylvester Stalone).
Jet Lee is powerful because he is as skilled as he is fast. He is graceful and quick. He mixes his strikes, blocks, parrys, dodges and counterattacks fluidly. He is precise and coordinated. He is a Finesse fighter.
Rocky (Sylvestor Stalone) is a beefy brick wall meant to take hits like a champion. He swings a couple very powerful blows and hopes he hits. If he does, down goes his opponent. If he doesn't hit them, he takes some hits and swings again. He is a power fighter.
Logistically speaking, in reference to tactical formations, there should be a way to put the beefy guy in front, and the finesse guy behind him.
Side Note: In terms of physics, there is no way a swadian recruit with 5 strength should be able to
push a character (namely my character) with strength of 12 off a ladder when laying siege to a castle.
Same should go for any unit, hero, or lord in the game.
Skills: Skill(s) not previously mentioned that I believe have some merit pertaining to the rest of the game.
Combat/Leader Experience: This is directly related to the number of enemies killed, battles participated in, battles lost, tactical formations used. This is a Leader skill.
As I see it, the number of enemies killed, battles participated in and tactical formations used (by leaders) should increase this skill. As this skill increases, you should see an increase in tactics, there should be a bonus to troop damage, defense, attack speed, block speed, etc.
Combat Mastery: This is directly related to the number of enemies killed and battles participated in. This is a personal skill.
As the unit/hero/character kills enemies and participates in more battles, this skill should go up. As this skill goes up this should increase attack speed, block speed, movement speed, and precision.
Precision: Critical Damage.
Tactical: As it were, this is a complete reference to tactics.
The more you use a certain tactic, or mix of tactics, more should become available and the more effective said tactic should be. As an example: A shield wall when used only a couple times should decrease damage by 10% base, and decrease the rate of decay on a shield by 30% + 2% for each unit in the shield wall maxing out at 65%. When the shield wall is used many times it would decrease damage by 30%, and decrease the rate of decay on a shield by 40% + 4% for each unit in the shield wall maxing out at 80%. Perhaps a grouped skill could be implemented so that any mounted unit that attempts to charge through has a certain chances to be dismounted, take damage, or cause no charge damage and get stuck.
Suffice to say, I'm typing this out while feeding my 1 month old son at 3 am. I don't feel that I've completely expressed myself properly, but I do hope that the idea of what I'm trying to portray is getting through.