gender differences

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i spent lunch time checking out male/female characters and noting down their stats at the start of the game.

Starting Gold and XP varies within a small range for respective classes.

All the starting characters do get the same total number of attribute points (24+3), but the spread differs a great deal more for the squire/court lady set:

Squire gets Str 8, Agi 6, Int 4, Cha 6
C Lady gets Str 5, Agi 5, Int 7, Cha 6
Starting skills are also quite different.
They also have the biggest differences when it comes to starting equipment.

For the other classes, the differences for attributes are that males have one point more for strength and charisma, while in females they have one point more in agility and intelligence.
(which makes for an interesting comment: ugly but clever Calradian women go adventuring... hahaha)

Starting skills are the same for the hunters, merchants and nuns/monks regardless of sex.
Most of the equipment is indentical for the sexes except the female merchant gets a dress +3/+1 while the male gets a leather jacket +9.
That's because "court lady" actually is a court lady not a "fighter woman" as many think. I think it's a bit redundant with the nun as template imho, and a corrispective for the squire would be better.

I hope the squirrel in your avatar isn't a dead one, btw.
actually, no it is quite alive when i took the picture.
it was just before winter in missouri. a squirrel scurried down a tree in front of me. And then very strangely, decided to lay flat down on the cold pavement. Laid there quite still for a minute - enough time for me to take a picture with my old SLR camera.

That squirrel picture is great.

Anyhow, court lady and squire does seem really different. Court lady is probably the best starting character overall due to her equipment.

Also, just for functionally, I like using female characters as their grunts in combat are different from that of the enemy so I can tell whether I just took an arrow or it's the enemy.
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