Gekokujo: Bugs and Suggestions

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oh noes..

Cookie Eating Huskarl said:
On the topic on how to have fun, my current house rules is no external troop hiring, so you can imagine me wandering the country side alone looking for looters carrying peasant/ronin prisoners to rescue them during the start of the game. This rule extends even to end game, so I conquer my first temple (The one north of Kyoto) very early on to get the benefits of having suicidal naginata wielding monks at my disposal (the fortress hires are exempted because they have no potential to be OP units and they are limited on a timely basis).

Hello! I did the exactly same thing for days in 2.1 (not in game days) but eventually it felt more of a MMO time sink than fun (even though all games feel like that if he get overfed :wink: ). Funny that someone is doing the same thing for longer!

How many companions do you use? I have also played a "only companions" stretch, makes it very interesting too (especially that you cannot hire everyone because of dislikes).

BTW, completely OT, does someone know a way to disable signatures on this forum? Currently I use adblock edge to block all of them individually as I cannot find the forum option to disable them and avatars alltogether.
I agree that, while hatamotos should remain as they are for lords, the ability to acquire them should be taken down for player. All after all, if Chinese Princesses, Famous Duelists and Swordmasters can't be considered player's hatamoto guards, then I don't know who can. Don't know about special NPCs once player gets first "real" fiefs (as in castles and cities), but that could be interesting.

Also, Yemeth, Profile -> Look and Layout -> tick the Don't show users' avatars and Don't show users' signatures options and click the Change profile button.
Yemeth said:
Hello! I did the exactly same thing for days in 2.1 (not in game days) but eventually it felt more of a MMO time sink than fun (even though all games feel like that if he get overfed :wink: ). Funny that someone is doing the same thing for longer!
I do that until end game because it means I'll have to make my tactic around minimizing potential casualty (even injury) in order to preserve any potential hatamotos class personels I have rescued. It certainly feels more realistic that I'm not just buying up Ji-samurais by the dozen since I'm not someone famous and in my RP world, they rather serve their local lord (loyalty to the land) or their daimyo. The samurai class will only serve a merchant-turned-spy/shinobi who was born in the merchant class like me if they personally owe me their lives.
Yemeth said:
How many companions do you use? I have also played a "only companions" stretch, makes it very interesting too (especially that you cannot hire everyone because of dislikes).
That expands to second house rule. No companions until you have an actual following of men. Due to RP reasons, a lot of your companions talk to you as if like you already have an army. So to honour that RP, I do not hire companions when I do not have men. Now I have 7-8 at a time.
Troop trees, partially agree with you, even I must say that most of the problems against the AI is the stupidity and that you can set up your ranged troops on a hill let them circle around you (in shooting range mind you) and decimate them. In worst case when the AI has a rush of smarts and charges head on, you go out with the cavalry and attack the stragglers etc. while a big part of the troops turn around and follow you (again, while in nice shooting range of the archers etc.) :grin: .

I know. Several times i ordered my gunners to fire on my command so more enemies can actually reach me and initiate some kind of fight with me and my melee units, but it actually turned out to be worse. The moment i said "Fire at Will" waves after waves of enemies fell, i was like holy ****  :shock:

+ I think the random events and more quests (I would love that you must do quests to acquire companions etc., whenever I  as warlord get cattle quests I would love to punch the quest giver in the face :grin: ) would be fantastic, but pretty please use Clash of Kings as an example how not to do it. The lazy "design" of "choose an answer, the outcome is random any way" is boring (not to mention that A Clash of Kings is IMO the opposite of Gekokujo, everything is turned to 11 and new design implementations seem rushed). IMO, the choose your own adventure type of answers can be done brilliantly (as in King of Dragon Pass as opposed to the random encounters as in Clash of Kings), I would love it! And phlpp is a history buff, so he could put in many interesting things.

I played such a huge amount of mods that i honestly can't remember if any of them had some feature with random quests and events. ACoK was just the latest i played and as i said it was just to get the idea. It may not be perfect but for starters it would be great because right now the mod is boring when absolutely nothing is happening other than a occasional diplomacy popup  :roll:

+ Shinobi

IMO, if we ignore the Hollywood sword (Ninjato) the agents are pretty realistic. I would add a bigger variety as you said, but please no Hollywood black garbs etc.

I know it's not historically accurate but from time to time you have to spice things up with some fantasy aka hollywood. A mix of a black garb and the armor currently used by the shinobi in the mod wouldn't hurt, just set it so it's random.

- Junk. I found out that the game gives you better loot if the numbers odds are against you (mind you it seems it is the same if you go with 20 peasants against 50 rebels or with 20 hatamoto gunners, which would be great if it could be changed), so what I do mid game when I am rebel hunting is go out and add about 10 troops to my 8-9 heroes and fight "against odds" to get very good loot which can be sold for a lot of money

Hmm i never really tried going out with a small force against the neutrals, i might do just that. But still i'm usually outnumbered 3 to 1 when fighting other lords and yet the best items i get are a few retainer armors with bad stats, several bend yari and chipped katanas.

It's fair to criticize the troop tree a bit imo because I've gotten to the point in playing this mod that I've to tie one hand behind my back to have fun. However I'll disagree with the hatamoto recruitment process.

The hatamoto should be a show of the lord's wealth and power and as such it'll be better if Marty can make a system where the Lords will spawn with a limited group (10 or so?) of well armed, named units akin to your companion NPCs. Lower lords will have more modestly armed hatamotos and Great lords will have hatamoto armed with the very best. Like lords, they should be capturable, but can only be ransomed for 1/10th the price of a lord due to the nature of their lower birthright. It should basically be a system where the hatamotos are named specific npcs that are locked to their lord's parties and are essentially immortal npcs like the lords and can be ransomed for. The player can hire their own hatamoto once they reach a certain status (Lord?), in which this option requires an initial financial investment, or a level in renown where people will start flocking to be his followers. In fact this should be a random scripted event (like the peasant saint event in Brytenwalda) where you start getting an influx of companion like NPCs who are loyal to none other than you and do not have the ability to quarrel amongst themselves, unlike the NPC companions. In return, they come with preset stats and are adaptable to whatever weaponry you give to them but they have to be coded to the fashion of which they as individuals cannot be improved, and therefore the hatamoto playing field is leveled to only rely on the quality of gear to ensure their success.

Well i must admit that is an absolutely great idea, and it's realistic, but you have to take into consideration that the AI in Warband is dumb beyond belief, and no amount of modding would improve their behaviour. I remember when 1257 AD Devs coded the crap out of their mod and the AI was just slightly better, i sincerely hope Bannerlord will have a much better AI. So basically all i could think of was either forcing all the lords in game to use huge amount of hatamoto units so the fights are actually fun and fair, or use my approach and limit the number of hatamoto and increase their cost by a lot. Right now tho i must admit that i like your idea more but it's much more harder to implement :neutral:

On the point of the ninjato, I feel like giving it too much natural speed may be bad. If you're playing with a ninjato, odds are you're a agi based character. I'll agree to tweak it to katana speed but not beyond that. It's still a blade of considerable length and using it on an agi character as it is now is already pretty freaking OP

Don't know if it's just me but i had trouble with Ninjato, the reach of the weapon is a death for me, especially if you have an enemy with Tachi or Nodachi with higher or similar speed and much higher reach :roll:
Isilendis said:
On the point of the ninjato, I feel like giving it too much natural speed may be bad. If you're playing with a ninjato, odds are you're a agi based character. I'll agree to tweak it to katana speed but not beyond that. It's still a blade of considerable length and using it on an agi character as it is now is already pretty freaking OP

Don't know if it's just me but i had trouble with Ninjato, the reach of the weapon is a death for me, especially if you have an enemy with Tachi or Nodachi with higher or similar speed and much higher reach :roll:
That nodachi (and even tachi sometimes when I can pull it off) does nothing if you have armor and you walk into where he's chambering the swing and facehug him, all while chopping with your ninjato. The longer blade's early swing velocity simply can't generate any damage if you step into the swing earlier (which is completely doable for an agi focused character). The ninjato on the other hand, is the face hugging weapon of death that an agi character can use to stun lock any enemy to death.

Isilendis said:
Well i must admit that is an absolutely great idea, and it's realistic, but you have to take into consideration that the AI in Warband is dumb beyond belief, and no amount of modding would improve their behaviour. I remember when 1257 AD Devs coded the crap out of their mod and the AI was just slightly better, i sincerely hope Bannerlord will have a much better AI. So basically all i could think of was either forcing all the lords in game to use huge amount of hatamoto units so the fights are actually fun and fair, or use my approach and limit the number of hatamoto and increase their cost by a lot. Right now tho i must admit that i like your idea more but it's much more harder to implement :neutral:
I'm thinking those NPCs will have to be implemented akin to how the first bandit boss (the samurai who was with the 3 ashigarus) is handled. IIRC, he had a healthbar on the world map, like any other lord or companion NPC. So if the same system that allowed players to stack multiple lord-like npcs was implemented on the lords itself... You get my drift, but for now it's just wishful thinking. IMO, what if the lords could, at the start of the game have the entire line of hatamoto npcs hiring (akin to what adds a companion NPC to the player) occur to all the lords? Would that work? Since there is an option to ransom your companions at the slave traders, I assume that getting your companions captured is worked into the Warband system?

Also, despite the bad AI, the stats does make a difference to AI vs AI combat in warband, and the hatamoto simply outclass the ashigaru (and even the samurai) in both pure brute force and delicate skill.

One of the best killers I have seen around has still been the elite onnabushis. They are crazy, do not offend them.

I'm with you with limiting hatamotos. By no means should a realistic army be able to field all elite units. Which means the only way to increase your overall hatamoto count is to have your companions as landed lords or have other lords join you.
By the way, is weapon reach supposed to be so short on swords? It seems kind of strange that a katana has reach comparable to native's hand axes :/
However, such reach made me try out some spears and now I love my Jumonji :grin:
Do not look here said:
Also, Yemeth, Profile -> Look and Layout -> tick the Don't show users' avatars and Don't show users' signatures options and click the Change profile button.

I was too stupid to find it by myself! You have saved me as it was really driving me crazy to manually block every single avatar and signature banner :smile: . Thank you very, veeery much!

Oh and please continue the great discussion, it is really great to read (and will give my 17 cents when I find the time). :smile:
Oh and please continue the great discussion, it is really great to read (and will give my 17 cents when I find the time). :smile:

I said what i wanted, now i'm patiently waiting and refreshing the page every 5 minutes to see how will our Great Lord phlpp respond  :mrgreen:
Dunno if it's intentional or not, but Date hatamoto guards don't have the Kozane armor. There may be more clans that don't of course, but of the three or four I've served so far Date were the first to not, just thought I'd mention it.
Dooz said:
Dunno if it's intentional or not, but Date hatamoto guards don't have the Kozane armor. There may be more clans that don't of course, but of the three or four I've served so far Date were the first to not, just thought I'd mention it.

That's intentional, Date Masamune made all his men wear the yukino****a-do, those of the rich samurai were often shot resistant, such an armor was very expensive and would cost over half a million mon (compared to about 120.000 mon for a normal plate armor), even so... hon kozane armor was even more expensive at a million mon (give or take about 200.000 mon, depending on quality of the suit, how much was honkozane and the materials used).
The fact that the Date are wearing yukino****a-do in this mod is clearly an anachronism as Date Masamune was still an infant at this time (born in 1567), in fact... their capital city Sendai is also an anachronism (founded in 1601, the construction of it's castle started in 1600).

But the Yukino****a-do do make them look nice and different so it's not a big deal, "rule of cool" I'd say.

(Edit: for the record, 4000 mon was enough to feed one person for a year).
Oo here's one that's been bugging me from the start, keep forgetting to post. The Great Lords/owners of castles/towns often don't stand behind the table in the center, where you would think they should, during feasts. Instead they line up along the walls with the rest of the guests while a different lord ends up in the seat of honor. Minor, but a matter of flavor.  :razz:
In Tamaru Castle, after going up the first ramp and turning right, there are some stairs that aren't properly connected and the AI sometimes has trouble on them.


Whenever I fight bandits in a village this error gets spammed, but I can only see it in the logs.


In one village scene the large rock outcroppings stop rendering once the camera goes past about the middle of them.  I don't know if this is related to graphics settings at all.



These trees with the light brown leaves seem to have buggy hit detection.  There is collision, but it seems to be about a metre from the actual trees, so you can pass through them but end up being stopped by thin air.


haitch40 said:
1 thing I have noticed. With the new maps for bandits I find taking monk rebels hideouts impossible.
Before it was a closed space so you could mow them all down with a katana. Now with the open space within the walls it is impossible to avoid getting you and your party shot to hell as all the rebels have guns. When you have an army fine. When you are limited in men such as attacking these bases you are screwed.

I agree with this.  The scenes are nice, but it seems like 3/4 of the monks gets guns and they end up spawning behind you and your men and headshotting everyone.

I'd like to suggest the addition of the ability to stop raiding a village once you start. It's super annoying to get the whole host of a faction to come down on you and your band of 30 guys when you're raiding some village on the edge of their territory.
I'm pretty sure this is a bug, the chest in Sado doesn't actually hold anything you put in it, rather it's used to discard items.

Also, is there any way to have the guy running things in there not use stuff you put in the warhouse, and instead stick to whatever he has or whatever you choose to give him to wear/use as weapons?
I had another.

I found a lord where I could ask a lord if I could visit her daughter and another who dropped 20 relations with me because he wanted the same girl. Problem is in both cases I was married.

Oh and the factions relations table is too big in the reports section so I can't see all the relations. Usually it's fine but I am playing Shimazu and both them and the Otomo are off the chart so I can't see when they are at war and when they are at peace.
I don't know if it's just me but I always hear the native victory track playing after winning some battles, or in tournaments.  :???:
i'm still stumped regarding FieldMedic's freelancer bug

regarding the storage bug in the forts -- that's why you can re-equip the deputy. it's an m&b thing that the storage spaces you use (which have to be characters) will wear what you give them unless they're merchants. i wonder if i can tweak them so that i can turn the storage characters into merchants that always sell at 0 and buy at 0
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