GeForce 6800

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Knight at Arms
I'll try to be "to the point" here.

I just got the GeForce 6800 for Christmas, and a 400 watt power supply (I doubt that matters, but maybe somehow), and now M&B acts weird.
In town or in the arena, it runs great--great fps even with tons of objects on the screen and all effects maxed. However, in combat, after about three or four minutes, the screen starts to get weird. It seems like the game (or the card) screws up the placings of the textures, so I end up with smatterings of grass in the sky, and triangles of sky in the grass, not to mention brown and tan from the skin everywhere. I used to have problems with the "no_dot3_bumpmap" part of the config file, but long ago I just switched it to a 1, and haven't had problems since.
Now, with the new card, I'm having troubles (not the exact same troubles as I used to, but they're happening in the same place--on the battlefield), and so I've tried switching it on and off, to no avail. I'm not sure of anything else to try (all but positive I have the drivers I need, too)--any suggestions please? :sad:

Edit: Errrrrrrr :mad:
Gonna download the latest drivers... :oops:
at a friend's house, 'cause my dial-up connetion's too slow... :mad:
The two most likely reasons:

Drivers and heat.

If the drivers don't work, make sure you're not overheating. The 6800 pumps out quite a bit (I have one myself), and as such it's a god idea to give it a slot of clearance (even if its a two slot). If you have any PCI cards right near it, try moving them down a slot (assuming you have the room).
One other thing to add - make sure the power lead to the card is plugged in if it requires it.

Lates drivers should be 81.98. Make sure you alter the config file to set the rest of the graphics options correctly.
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