Geez, do you treat all new guys this way?

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Little Raven

My level 16 nun-turned-sword-for-hire has decided to embrace the Vaegir cause. For honor, for glory, and the promotion of fur products everywhere!

Bursting with pride at my new found rank of lowly peon, I walk up to the count and and ask if he has any missions for me.

Turns out, he does. His stocks of armor have been depleted. He wants me to bring him 6 suits of black armor pronto.

:shock: Now, I've seen black armor once or twice in the shops. The stuff costs like 40000 minimum. I suppose maybe you can get it from black knights, but I wouldn't know because I run like little tiny girl whenever I see them.

He claims he'll reimburse me for the armor, plus a little extra. 6 suits of black armor plus a finders fee....I figure he ought to be handing over close to 200,000 gold, when and if I ever collect it all.

And this is my first quest! Do they get harder from here?
Quests like suppy armour and supply weapons are totally random, the way I see it. You happen to have bad luck this time. :razz:
There are different types of quests you can get from counts, kings and the like, and they are all the same apart from the location/item in question. Those quests are like, "Capture nobleman going from city X to city Y", or "Intercept and butcher raiding company returning from city X to city Y", or, in your example, "Gather X (where X is a number) of Y (where Y is a completely random piece of armour, a weapon, a horse, whatever). When you are unlucky, the randomness of the quest-giving comes up with black armour. When you are lucky, you have to find 4 rawhide coats or 5 sumpter horses.

I hope that answers your questions :smile:

Edit: Beat me to it :grin:
Yeah, I figured that was the case. Had to gripe, though.

So in all seriousness...where on earth do I get 6 suits of black armor? I have a sneaking suspicion that he isn't going to reimburse me anything near the amount I would actually pay for the suckers. (though if he did, I would suddenly become very very very wealthy) Do black knights drop them?
Little Raven said:
Yeah, I figured that was the case. Had to gripe, though.

So in all seriousness...where on earth do I get 6 suits of black armor? I have a sneaking suspicion that he isn't going to reimburse me anything near the amount I would actually pay for the suckers. (though if he did, I would suddenly become very very very wealthy) Do black knights drop them?

I would strongly suggest starting over and staying neutral until at least level 25. By then you will have a fairly strong character and a good number of troops you command. If you choose a side too early you're going to get harassed by ther other side and will have a difficult road ahead.
They DO reinburse you the money. I had a quest to get a count 5 morningstars (4k to 5k) and in the end i got like 30k for them. If you manage to get those suits, you WILL be rich!!! :smile:
Arthur said:
I would strongly suggest starting over and staying neutral until at least level 25.
Eh.....I see the logic, but I'll be honest. The first six levels of my nun's life SUCKED. Incredibly weak, terminally poor, and jumped by sea raiders (who, I learned the hard way, are much, MUCH tougher than river pirates) every time I poked my head out of Zendar. The thought of returning to that life is...unappealing.

As it is, Borcha gives me great view range and a decent speed, so I can avoid most enemy war parties easily enough. Though I did suffer a catastrophic loss to a party of black kirgut raiders last night. A shipment of iron and spice bound for the East along with a spirited war horse I was saving for riding 4. Damn that sucked. :cry: Gonna take a long time to recover that equity.
Arthur said:
If you choose a side too early you're going to get harassed by ther other side and will have a difficult road ahead.

Or instead of starting over you could just go to one of the other side's nobles and pay them off. If you haven't killed too many of them it's usually pretty cheap to get some peace.
Dude, that is very unlucky. As soon as I saw one suit of black armor (after playing this game for 3 days in real life) I bought it, but haven't seen any since. Right now I am lucky enough to have to find 10 hunters. Luckily you can stiff the nobles and give them lame ones... :lol:
Worm said:
Get some peasants, get some moxie, and go after some Dark Knights.
Easy for you to say. The first time I tried, I couldn't even damage them. A headshot from one of my axes did like 10 points of damage. I didn't last too long. :oops:

I've gotten a bit stronger: I imagine my warhammer could give them a dent or two. But I think I'm gonna need a few more levels under my belt before they have cause to be too concerned. :grin:
OK this is one of disadvantage of random quest system. You happen to get the tough quest.

Here is what you do first. Go to different city and get another quest from the count of the city. You can keep that quest (supply 6 black armor) in your quest list as long as you want and i believe there is no time limit so you can go get new quest and you dont have to accomplist that supply black armor quest.

Once you level up and got more money after finishing other quest, one day you can complete that supply black armor quest. Just ignore it for time being and keep it on your list if you have intention to complete it one day.

It takes a long time for to gather 40,000 gold not to mention to find one to buy in a shop is rare.

I've seen suits of black armor for as low as 22k. The thing is, you'll want to make sure and get the lowest quality black armor you can find, so that he doesn't end up reimbursing you for *plain* black armor, while you ened up buying reinforced black armor. However, I recommend not buying any at all, and just going and killing Dark Knights until you get the six suits. I find that Trainer is an extremely useful skill, since you can sometimes level up your party members with a single day's worth of training. Fight sea raiders, Black Khergit Raiders (if you've the bravery for it, that is) and you'll have your army built up in no time at all. Another good way to get men for your army is to fight bands from the opposing side that have many high level prisoners.
Sometimes you just get extremely lucky.

I found a warhorse as a lvl 5... Needless to say, that helped a lot. I am now a very dominating figure on a battlefield, even though I am a balanced character.
n00854180t said:
I've seen suits of black armor for as low as 22k. The thing is, you'll want to make sure and get the lowest quality black armor you can find, so that he doesn't end up reimbursing you for *plain* black armor, while you ened up buying reinforced black armor
Hey can we make the lord punish you for bringing faulty goods? In the name of realism and all that rot.
I wouldn't fight sea raiders if I were you. They do massive amounts of damage with their 2hand weapons and their throwing weapons pack a punch. The worst part is the stuff they drop isn't that good, especially considering how hard it is to kill them. I'd stick with forest bandits, pirates, khergits, foraging parties, or even patrols, if you can handle them.
If you get desparate for money, you can attack caravans. These drop tons of great loot, but the downside is that your standing with the merchants and the caravan's faction go way down.
Worm said:
Hey can we make the lord punish you for bringing faulty goods? In the name of realism and all that rot.

Profiteers and gov't contractors delivering sub-standard goods and services often and without penalty? I'd say the realism bit is already firmly in place.
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