OSP Kit Gameplay Improvements Compilation (v2.3a) Bugfixed

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This is NOT a mod! It's only ONE of the source files required to make a mod!

The shield bashing works now, thanks to hwsfcay and Slawomir of Aaarrghh (read more on page 2)
I tested it and it works!!!

Do you hate scripting? You just can't get the hang of it? You want to integrate stuff in module_mission_templates, but it's so much work, you're lazy/you'll get a headache? You just don't want to script right now?
If you answer with "Yes" on at least one question of the above, this is for you.

T: SPRINT, +7 Athletics, +15 Agility, lasts for two times your Agility seconds, requires 14 Agility
J: WHISTLE FOR A HORSE, call a horse to come to you, more than one with higher Charisma, requires 14 Charisma
G: WARCRY, unleash a fearsome cry to terrify weaker opponents around you
K: TAUNT, attract the attention of your enemies, more with higher charisma
All combat abilites can be used every 60 seconds in battle.
Press M to view other controls
Press X to close help
Other Controls:
U: Ranks
I: Lines
O: Wedges
V: Call Reinforcements
P: Disassemble formations
Y: Rally your men
B: Brace your spear
To use Shield Bashing, press LMB while holding RMB
Press N for abilities help

This is the module_mission_templates.py file with integrated:
- Shield bashing,
- Spear bracing,
- Formations,
- Morale,
- Several ability scripts. (Look in Note 3)
from v2.0
- Hunting added
from v2.2
- Sea Battles added
from v2.3
- Form Ranks added, Formation and Morale deleted. The zip archive still contains version 2.2, if you want the old things

Note: The things said above are integrated in every mission template (without hunting and training, just for fun). They're all commented with "Start" and "End", so you can remove or modify them easy the way you want.

Note 2: This is only the module_mission_templates.py file. If you want to fully integrate one of the said above things, you have to check their threads out for info, because you might need some another thing, e.g. animations. The threads can be found here: (v2.0 edit: especially for the hunting)
Combat abilities by Chel
Spear Bracing by The Mercenary
Formations + Morale by Mirathei (Formations) and Chel (Morale)
Shield Bashing by Mirathei
Hunting by Highlander from the Age of Machinery mod
Sea Battles by Mirathei, thanks to Jubal for the implementation tutorial
Form Ranks by foxyman
If you don't want hunting or sea battles, remove them. They're only one piece of code each at the bottom of the file.

Note 3: The integrated abilities are Horse whistle, Taunt, WarCry and Sprint.

Below, in the third message you can see a bit of my module_constants.py file (but i'm not sure if this is all of the constants needed to integrate these). It also contains the constants for the Recruiter kit by Hessuu. The recruiter kit is not integrated in this mission_templates file simply because it doesn't require changes to the mission templates.

You can download the file here

If you use this in your mod, give credit to me and to everyone else who made the said above integrations.
You can also send me a PM, because I'm curious to know who is using this.

EDIT: Name changed, added info a the top.
EDIT 2: File updated to v2.0, hunting implemented
EDIT 3: File updated to v2.2, sea battles implemented
EDIT 4: File updated to v2.3 (archive contains v2.2), form ranks implemented
Awesome.  This will help a lot of those trying to import them, and the ones that want to learn can see how it was done.

How do you deal with the needed slots for the spear brace (and possibly others, I haven't looked at them all)

You might need a add a chunk of your constants.py file too.  Personally, I would be able to fix those calls easy, but some are still shakey on slots.
Thanks for the support, jik! Here are the constants for the Spear bracing and for the Recruiter kit, which I have also implemented in this code tag:
from ID_items import *
#Spear Bracing
slot_agent_spearwall = 142
slot_agent_x = 143
slot_agent_y = 144
slot_agent_z = 145
slot_agent_speed = 146
#Spear Bracing end

spt_recruiter          = 223 #under "#spt_deserter"

slot_party_recruiter_needed_recruits = 220   # Amount of recruits the employer ordered.
slot_party_recruiter_origin = 221         # Walled center from where the recruiter was hired.
slot_village_reserved_by_recruiter = 222   # This prevents recruiters from going to villages targeted by other recruiters.
slot_party_recruiter_employer = 223         # For future use...
Great job.  I'm taking this myself.  Will make life a bit easier when I get to that point in my mod.  for me, 1 step at a time.
You know, I completely saw this coming. I actually thought to myself that someone needs to combine all that stuff together. However, morale is Chel's, not Mirathei's. Be sure to change the credit - Mirathei was given permission by Chel to use it in the Battlefield Tactics kit.

...battlefield morale is implemented (thank you Chel)...
Are the keys for formations and spear bracing the same?
Mirathei said:
Controlls: use the default native controlls to select cavalry, infantry, or archers. Use j to order your troops to form ranks, k to order a wedge, u to bring them out of formation, or p to order them to form a line. Use the default native commands for movement (ie. hold, follow, charge, advance), including the tactical minimap.
NaglFaar said:
B = brace
M = Call Horse
first off I'd like to thank Lumos for the gracious upload of the mission template file which saved me a lot of time and headache, unfortunately I still have one.  I've copied over the mission template file into my module, and followed the instructions on each of the provided links each part of this compilation respectively.  yet i run the build module and it has a lot of errors, and warnings of unused global variables, usage of unassigned global variables.  and that's just for starters.  I'm unsure of what I may have done wrong as I just followed directions.  I'd appreciate any help anyone can provide.

regards, tricket
alright, never mind apparently all i needed was a fresh start, it works now no errors  :oops: apparently i missed something the first time.
Lumos, I am not sure if you have figured out why Shield Bash isn't working, but I may have an answer.  I downloaded your mission_templates file and I've found the same problem in your file as was in mine.  Another person also came across the answer here:

Slawomir of Aaarrghh said:
I had the same error using maw's setup. Uninstalled it, installed original one, and it works fine. Well... almost. I had one problem:

Can anyone tell me why the try for range is:


??? Is there a practicular reason for that "itm_heraldic_mail_with_surcoat"?

Bashing didn't work for me, when I used that range. I had noticed that "itm_heraldic_mail_with_surcoat" is located higher in module_items than "itm_wooden_shield", so I changed it to:


and shield bashing finally started working.
I'm not much of a scripter and I have no idea why the try range in original script was set from item located lower to item located higher. Can somebody explain this to me?

This is the same for me.  I am probably going to be posting in that thread the code I've been using and the module_script part, as well, because Mirathei's shield bash is based on shield skill of both attacker and defender rather than the attacker/defender's strength.  It, personally, doesn't make much sense if the defender's resistance is based on their shield skill, especially if their defense is made without one.  I also changed the ranges of reaction that the defender has because strength would seemingly knock a person down more so than skill, which would be more apt to stun.
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