Resolved Game Shows Army Cohesion Incorrectly

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No, I didn't use any mods.
Summary: When rebuilding an army that falls apart through lack of cohesion, the Army Management screen gives completely wrong cohesion numbers.

In sieging Shibal Zumr Castle, I made a common mistake - I let the cohesion fall enough to begin breaking apart the army. (WHY ISN'T THERE A WARNING, MAYBE AN AUDIO CLUE, THAT DISSOLUTION IS IMMINENT?? BY DEFAULT, SIEGING RUNS IN ACCELERATED TIME SO IT'S LESS LIKELY TO BE NOTICED BY THE PLAYER!)

So, I go to the Army Management screen. Uh-huh, Cohesion is down to 3 and I'm going to lose the 2 parties I have left, too.

I sort parties by proximity and re-enlist the ones that got away. Note that my cohesion is now listed at 93!!
But, if you put your cursor in that graph, the tool tip will tell you a different story!

The listed cohesion of 93 was a lie! The army still has cohesion of 3.

Even when most of the parties have rejoined the army, the cohesion is at 3. If I don't return to the Army Management screen and pump AGAIN, the army will dissolve again!

I repeated this behavior twice more from a save. It wasn't a once-off. When you bring the parties back into the army, it says the cohesion is going up... but it doesn't really happen.


How to Reproduce: I will upload a save with the army on the brink of dissolving.
Have you used cheats and if so which:never
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Thanks for asking! The answer: YES.
Several days ago I attempted to pump my cohesion and again it had a short red line once back on the campaign map. When I saw that, I tried again, first noting what my Influence level was, to see if I was actually paying the Influence. I regret I have forgotten the result. In that instance, I got the cohesion increase to "take" on the third attempt.
The problem is not ubiquitous. That was the first I had seen it in a while.
Do you have a save file while this bug is active?
Do you have a save file of the session that you experienced this issue? With your save file, we can reproduce the issue much easier and faster. You can find your save file here: "C:\Users\username\Documents\Mount and Blade II Bannerlord\Game Saves"
To send us a ticket, please visit the site and login to your forum account from the top right. Click on "My Account" and then click on "My Open Tickets". You can create a ticket there and include the save file as well as the forum link of this thread. You can find more info about how to upload files to us with the new ticketing system here. Thanks for reporting and sorry for any inconvenience!
As I said in my original post, yes, I uploaded such a save. I always report first, upload second, so I can give the URL of the bug report in the Save file upload. You should have had the save last July 18.
I found a Shibl Zumr siege save that apparently led to the cited problem. So I let it run and even with the current version modules, the problem recurs! So I've made a new save at the point it can be tested.

Do this:
Load save. I've now lost 4 parties and my Cohesion is -3.38. An enemy army is creaming the first one that left me, but 3 others are unengaged and nearby.
Without unpausing, exit the siege so you can re-enlist parties.
Open Army Management. You have 6 parties remaining and a Cohesion of -3.38.
Sort by distance. You will have parties by Furnhard, Ospir, and Ingunde unengaged nearby. Re-enlist them. Notice on the Army Management screen it now reports 40 for Cohesion. As before, if you hover the pointer there it will report -3.38.
Click Done. Now you should have 9 parties at Cohesion 40. (You don't - Cohesion is still negative)
If you unpause now, the nearby parties will head for you and may actually join you, but you're still at Cohesion -3.38 and parties continue to leave you. Your supposed Cohesion of 40 was never registered by the game.

I have already uploaded my fresh file, called Shibl Zumr Breakdown.
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