Game recommendations

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Sergeant Knight at Arms
Hello ! , do you know what strategy games uses a large amount of units in the battles ? , like Battle for middle earth 2 , Total war series , Cossack series , Rise of nations , etc .
Total War is probably the best massive war simulation game, as far as I know there are none that are better. Especially with mods the battles can be very realistic.
But it seems as if you have already played them. So, other than that, no.
Heh, just coming from another thread about this:

Rise & Fall, Civilizations at War is a very good game. You can download it for free now off of Fileplanet or Gamershell, IIRC. The game can have very large battles, and you can control from the 3rd person perspective. Great sieges & ship battles.
If you're looking for something on the scale of BFME, then Company of Heroes would be a good pick. For the scale of Total War, well... the Total War series does it best. Go get some mods if you want some change in that department.
If you're willing to venture into space:

Sword of the Stars
Homeworld series
Sins of a Solar Empire
Praetorians is a wonderful Spanish made RTS. Resource gathering/economy/empire management is at a minimal, and combat of large formations of different types of soldiers is emphasized.
Is Doomsday and Armageddon the same thing? If so, what different about Armageddon over Doomsday?

Although it might not fit the OP\s request. Even if one division is traditionally ~20 soldiers, it's not as epic as seeing those 100 man formations in Rome Total War slug it out on screen.
Or you can carve your own troops out of wood, shape them out of metal, or sand them into shape embodied in semi-precious stones.

And in case you were sincere, I meant the PC game.
Ah, I see. Dawn of War, in that case. I mean, its true, I've had some really massive, fun Warhammer games.
Hello , thanks to all for the answers  :grin: , continue recommending games . I searched about the Heart of Iron series , it is a rts game or a turn based ?
Elenmmare said:
If you like spending 400$USD to get large battles going :razz:

Haha, no.

Games Workshop runs days called 'Games Day's, and they have a table for a conversion contest, with hundreds of old sprues. They say it's for a conversion competition, but we all know that it's about nabbing as many bits as you can before they throw you out. You can get absolutely loads there :lol:
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