Need More Info Game keeps force logging me off in match.

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Summary:Basically every now and then I got force logged off from the game while playing. This happened 3 times so far, and only happened while playing skirmish clan matches. After I get force logged out I can't log in back because it in the "Disconnected" screen it gets stuck at Please Wait and I'm forced to alt+f4.
How to Reproduce: Randomly happens during clan matches.
Scene Name (if related):any clan matches
Media (Screenshots & Video): -
Computer Specs:
OS:win10 64bit
GPU: gtx1050
GPU Driver Version:
CPU:i7 7700hq
Storage Device (HDD/SSD):ssd
Can you send me the contents of this file after reproducing this? Please note that if you re-launch the game the log files will be reset.
C:\ProgramData\Mount and Blade II Bannerlord\logs\rgl_log_xxxxx.txt
You can send the file to me via email, please include the topic URL so that I can identify it.
arda.gunduz at taleworlds dot com
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