Game freezes about 20 seconds in

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I recently installed Win 7 on my PC, i now have full acces to my 4gb ram, but whenever i start Warband about 20 seconds in the game freezes, just stops dead amd nothing, i have both Single threading and load textures on demand checked so any help?
Is this when it is loading a new game, or at some other point?

If it is when loading a game, sometimes it just takes time to load, 1-30 minutes I have had people say. It will also say 'not responding' in many cases.

You have to wait for it to lay out the underlying economy for the game.
LibSpit said:
Is this when it is loading a new game, or at some other point?

If it is when loading a game, sometimes it just takes time to load, 1-30 minutes I have had people say. It will also say 'not responding' in many cases.

You have to wait for it to lay out the underlying economy for the game.

Oh, i really did not make that clear, sorry, it loads fine, i get my strategy map(my horse) and start moving towards nearest settlement, about halfway there everything stops dead, horse does not move, i can't pan on the map, i can't even exit the game in usual way, i have to Ctrl-Alt-del. to exit.
I let it running for awhile and it unfreezes after about 2-3 minutes, then freezes again in about 30 seconds, must be some sort of memory leak.
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