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I'm a new owner of this incredible game (great work!).

I know it's beta, but I've looked around and found that people are saying it's quite stable. I have been having quite a number of lock-ups. When the game freezes for me, the only thing I can do is power down the computer and restart it.

When do I get these freezes?
Well, I found that if I play as a female player it is quite frequent. Sometime even during the character creation.

As a male character, it's not as bad, though it does seem to happen more often in the early stages of the game (up to level 4, but now that I have reached level 9 it's getting bad again)

On the map screen if it crashes at one point (say I save on the map and start to travel in a direction) when I reload and take the same direction, it will crash consitantly. Since I'm at work, I am unable to try the graphic tweaks at the moment, but just wondering if this is common. I downloaded the game last weekend, so I'm sure I have the most current version. (I'm glad I bought the game, but would like to be able to play it with out having to force a reboot of my computer every 10-30 minutes...)
Welcome to the forums, Jik. :smile:

I'm sorry (glad?) to say that what you are experiencing isn't a common problem at all.

Could you provide a little more information about your system and game settings? First off, what operating system are you using? Have you changed the default settings of the game in any way and if so, which ones?

Make sure that you update your graphics drivers and DirectX.

Hopefully we can pinpoint exactly what is causing this problem for you.

I'm running windows XP with 512MB RAM, GeForce FX card.

I looked around and saw some thing that I changed. I downed the frame rate max to 60, turned the texture detail down to 25.

In game I turned off all of the video options (shadows, particles ,etc.)

It seemed to have worked, but I'm starting to get the crashes again... :cry:

I guess the next thing I can try is to reinstall it. Will this cause a problem with the license key that I bought?
As long as you still have your key it shouldn't cause a problem. Odds are you won't actually need it. You will need to manually delete the M&B folder before re-installing.

To be honest I doubt it is caused by a bad installation. Worth trying if all else fails though.

Do you know the exact model of FX card you have? (You did check the drivers were up to date, right?)

Before you uninstall its worth checking one or two things out:

1. Run an antivirus \ anti spyware check on the system, make sure nothings on there that could cause problems.

2. Try closing down anything running in the background. Quick way to do this:

(For security reasons, I suggest you disable your internet connection before trying these)
1. Go to start -> run. Type in MSCONFIG and hit enter.
2. On the new window, click the startup tab at the top right
3. Click the button in the lower right labelled Disable All
4. Click OK, and restart when prompted. Ignore any messages that pop up (they just let you know you've used msconfig to alter the system)
5. Try mount and blade.

If this solves it, then odds are that there's a program running when windows starts up thats causing the error. Best way to troubleshoot this:

Run MSCONFIG again. Go to the startup tab.
Look down the list. Locate your anti-virus, firewall and any other essential security software. They're usually easy to spot. Check the boxes next to them and restart. Try M&B again
Re-run MSCONFIG. Return to the list. Look for any other programs you would like to have running, but are not essential (i.e. Itunes). Check them, OK, restart and retry M&B.
Looks like the msconfig thing did it. I think it might have been nwiz.exe...

Nwiz is Nvidia's multiple monitor display wizard. It's only useful if your using multiple monitors. If not, then you can leave it unchecked without any adverse effects.

Only thing to watch out for is that updating the Nvidia drivers tends to re-enable it. Should you get the same problem after you update your drivers, check its not been re-enabled.
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