Need More Info Game doesn't launch, Process vanish after a second

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No, I didn't use any mods.


I cant play this game since 2023. After clicking bannerlord.exe / bannerlord.native, process pops up in my manager, consuming 0.1% of my ram and cpu and it disappears after around 1 second. Launchers doesn't work either, except launcher.native and taleworlds.mountandblade.launcher which opens launcher window, but clicking play yields the same results. I tried steam version, MS store version, few pirated versions. Each one many times. I Have no mods, no onedrive, cleared documents, onedrive, appdata subfolders, programdata, reinstalled all versions of VC, directx, updated all drivers and system, tried compatibility mode and running as admin. I don't use any antivirus, nor windows defender, nor ransomware protection. Basically i tried all your proposed workarounds in multiple configurations and nothing helps even a bit. The problem persists on 3 (!!!) computers (one with ryzen/amd, two with intel/nvidia). Ironically pirated versions performed best as they at least got me to actual crashes. It were messages about problems with dll files but as soon as i redownloaded a specific file or created a dummy file just to get past this, another crash appeared with other random dll. No, my dlls are not blocked. I have no slightest idea about general direction of what could i do to fix it. Since pirated versions get me a bit further, i suspect there is something wrong with bannerlord.exe and bannerlord.native itself. Installing better exception window or butrloader also doesnt help as the game doesnt even get as far as loading these modules.

Summary: game doesnt launch, process dies in matter of seconds
How to Reproduce: simply launch the game
Have you used cheats and if so which: no
Computer Specs:
OS: windows 10 professional edition
GPU: radeon rx 570
GPU Driver Version: 24.9.1
CPU:AMD Ryzen 5 1600 Six-Core Processor
RAM: 24.0 GB ddr4
Motherboard: not sure
Storage Device (HDD/SSD):
update: I used process monitor (i'd gladly post a pic or link, but i can't yet). It seems that the game desperately looks for taleworlds.starter.library.pdb everywhere, but cant find it. Then it looks for managedstarter.pdb but cant find it also. After that there are successfull entries from net assembly and windows assembly after which game closes all threads.
dependency walker doesnt show any
dependency on bannerlord.exe and it just freezes when i try to run it on bannerlord.native
Could you try to relaunch the game and crash? After the crash could you share the log folder with me?
C:\ProgramData\Mount and Blade II Bannerlord\logs
arda.gunduz at taleworlds dot com
here it is. Launching bannerlord.exe or native didn't create MB folder, but launcher did
I have harmony and Better exception window installed now, but I installed them after this problem appeared, trying to resolve it. I expect it doesnt change anything as procmon didn't even show bannerlord.exe trying to use their files before closing, but i can make another clean install if you deem it necessary.

Loading assembly: TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.Launcher.Steam.dll

Assembly load result: SUCCESS
Resolving: TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.Launcher.Library.XmlSerializers, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
Loading assembly: TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.Launcher.Library.XmlSerializers.dll

Assembly load result: NULL
Resolving: TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.Launcher.Library.XmlSerializers
Loading assembly: TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.Launcher.Library.XmlSerializers.dll

Assembly load result: NULL
Can't reset context
Loading FiraSansExtraCondensed-Regular font, at: D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Mount & Blade II Bannerlord\Modules\Native\LauncherGUI\Fonts\FiraSansExtraCondensed-Regular/FiraSansExtraCondensed-Regular.fnt
Couldn't find .dll: ..\..\Modules\Multiplayer\bin\Win64_Shipping_Client\TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.Multiplayer.GDK.dll
Couldn't find .dll: ..\..\Modules\Multiplayer\bin\Win64_Shipping_Client\TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.DedicatedServer.dll
Couldn't find .dll: ..\..\Modules\Multiplayer\bin\Win64_Shipping_Client\TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.DedicatedCommunityServer.dll
Couldn't find .dll: ..\..\Modules\Multiplayer\bin\Win64_Shipping_Client\TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.DedicatedCustomServer.dll
Couldn't find .dll: ..\..\Modules\Multiplayer\bin\Win64_Shipping_Client\TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.DedicatedCustomServer.Official.dll
Couldn't find .dll: ..\..\Modules\Multiplayer\bin\Win64_Shipping_Client\TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.DedicatedCustomServer.WebPanel.dll
Couldn't find .dll: ..\..\Modules\Multiplayer\bin\Win64_Shipping_Client\TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.ListedServer.MapServer.dll
Couldn't find .dll: ..\..\Modules\Native\bin\Win64_Shipping_Client\TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.Platform.PS.dll
Couldn't find .dll: ..\..\Modules\Native\bin\Win64_Shipping_Client\TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.Platform.GDK.dll
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Edit: dependency walker doesn't find missing dlls

deleting multiplayer module and running launcher again just doesnt show any error at all while launcher.singleplayer or bannerlord still doesnt produce any log

Loading FiraSansExtraCondensed-Regular font, at: D:\Games\Mount & Blade 2 - Bannerlord\Modules\Native\LauncherGUI\Fonts\FiraSansExtraCondensed-Regular/FiraSansExtraCondensed-Regular.fnt
Init LauncherModsDLLManager
Total startup time: 0.7190
Max Dexree of Parallelism is set to: 10
Playing sound: default
Setting engine methods at Controller::SetEngineMethodsAsDotNet
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I'm not sure if this is helpful, but this is exactly what happens to me when my PC screws up and decided to use Windows' generic graphics drivers and not the drivers that I have installed. The game will just refuse to open.
sadly not this time. After your comment I reinstalled my drivers twice. Device manager shows proper drivers and I dont have any issues in other games
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