game crashing, please read and help

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I was doing fine with M&B until a few days ago. When I first log into the game, if I hit "p" to get to my party screen, the game crashes to desktop. If I wait a bit, then I can hit p and it works fine. And no other buttons make me crash. I haven't figured out what I have to do for hitting p to not crash me, but I think after i've finished a battle, it won't crash me. Does anyone know why hitting "p" makes my game crash to the desktop? Or does anyone else have this problem?
That's gross, the 'p' key makes you crash? From a chair? Hahaha.. haha.. ha.. I'm so freaking funny I can't believe it.

You should post some more details though, like if you have any mods installed, what M&B version is it, if there is any error message, etc...
i would have posted it in the bugs, except i wasnt sure it was a bug. I have no mods installed, and i get no error message, it just instantly crashes to the desktop.

edit: actually, i just remembered, I downloaded a mod a while back (i think i downloaded hugemod and mag7). But I'm really bad at computers, and I couldn't get them to work, so I sort of gave up, and just settled for playing the game un-modded. Maybe i partially edited the files, or changed just a few of the files and messed something up. If I reinstall the game to reset all of the files, will i be able to activate it with the same activation key?
You should be able to reactivate it fine, as long as its the same computer.

Is it happening only when you first load up the game (in other words, if you wait 5 minutes is it fine?) because it could be hardware related
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