In Progress Game Crash : d3d_device_context_->Map at rglGPU_device::lock_texture , been having this crash for MONTHS , dev please help

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No, I didn't use any mods.
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Summary: ive been having this crash for months close to a year that im unable to play this game because of it , i sent dozens of crash report yet nothing were done about it , ive done everything available online from those who suffer the same problem but the crash still persist , from what i see from the community , both nvidia and amd gpu face this problem so this must be from the game itself , dev please acknowledge this problem and do something bout it , i love warband to death i want to do the same with bannerlord too
How to Reproduce: start game
Have you used cheats and if so which: no , not even any mod
Scene Name (if related):any menus with a 3d character on it or during the start of battles
Media (Screenshots & Video): idk how to upload
Computer Specs:
OS: window 10
GPU: rtx 2060 (play on 1440p)
GPU Driver Version: it crash on all gpu driver version
CPU: Ryzen 5 3600
RAM: 16 gb ram
Motherboard: b450
Storage Device (HDD/SSD): 4 tb hdd 250 ssd (game were installed on hdd)
Hey, our team is aware of this issue and already working on it. Thank you for your time and sorry for the inconvenience.
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