Gaelic - anyone able to translate?

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Hi, is anyone able to translate "Nior aon Duine" to English or German?
I searched in the internet but just find out what aon Duine means.
what i found was, duine means a person or human being, aon means fear, or possibly one, not sure about nior, maybe you spelt it wrong, but it might mean black or something dark or maybe it may mean night, have a look on this site

maybe you will find what you are looking for

Thanks for your reply. As I said i found it out, too. But i don't know what the "Noir" means. Spelling is correct :smile:
Assuming it was "Níor" at the start, then it reads something along the lines of "Do not fear man(kind)".
I'll try and get a friend to check it for you.

EDIT: Scratch that, aon isn't a verb. According to a friend, it should read "Chan aon duine", meaning "not anyone".
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