Future Mod: Ottoman Taste

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heh here is my two works i found the pictures on the shields from google images but they are really used in Ottoman Wars. One of them is made from leather and the other is made from steel. They are real as i said before. But you can't download them at this time. You have to wait until i finish this mod. So here is their pictures.

Post Scriptum: I'm not a Muslim fanatic. I choose Arabic on a shield because the Ottomans used this with that theme. So there is nothing religious please do not make it a religious subject.

Allah-u Akber means God is Great, or God is Greatest. I think you might have it confused with the next phrase in the Azan (call to prayer) which is Ash-hadu an la illaha illal-lah , I witness that there is no God But Allah.

Allah-u Akbar would be appropriate on a shield, because I beleive that it was used as a warcry.
There is nothing wrong with being a muslim fanatic....

Very nice shield.. What are you planning to add to the game script-wise?
ehe as script part of the mod i plan to add a great commander and change cities names. Also i think i'mma add a great Ottoman myth (a man from Ottoman Wars). And much more u r gonna c. And there is only one picture because i disabled the second shield cause i learnt it is only a symbolic shield not even used in real wars. So i went to Topkapý Palace and take few other pictures of the other emperor shields. One of them is very hard and very big to carry. So in the game it is gonna very hard to get. And one more think in my plans entirely a new geography. For this u and i have to wait for Mod Tools. Armaðan please hurry up!
Good job with the shield, looks great. Make sure you post screenshots to show us your progress =p

All these mods are making me feel like starting one, byebye!
And here is my new work Ottoman sipahy like shield. Also u'll find ottoman sipahy costume just wait

i think it is a little bit dark picture sorry for that (or there is too much sun in my room)
MaDpRoGrAmMeR said:
ehe as script part of the mod i plan to add a great commander and change cities names. Also i think i'mma add a great Ottoman myth (a man from Ottoman Wars). And much more u r gonna c. And there is only one picture because i disabled the second shield cause i learnt it is only a symbolic shield not even used in real wars. So i went to Topkapý Palace and take few other pictures of the other emperor shields. One of them is very hard and very big to carry. So in the game it is gonna very hard to get. And one more think in my plans entirely a new geography. For this u and i have to wait for Mod Tools. Armaðan please hurry up!

With the mod tools, maybe symbolic shields can add to morale in parties?
# ummu: sure, symbolic shields.. They were really a symbol of moral in the wars. Sultan 2nd Selim used them as a war tent decoration. But never it was never used as a war shield only as a decorative object.
What's Wrong Being A Muslim Fanatic? By The Way, Excellent Shield. Good Luck With Your Mod
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