Funny University Stuff

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So, there's Kansas University. K.U.

Kansas State University (w00t, wildcats!) K.S.U.


there's Friends University of Central Kansas.


My sister is currently attending a university. Her room-mate had made arrangements even before the semester started to be moved to another dorm, closer to her classes. She was finaly moved about 3 weeks ago. Anyways, my sister has been searching all over for a new room mate, and finally found one. However, her new room-mate's ex-room-mate doesn't like the fact that she's alone. So, she comes up to my sister's dorm and threatens to burn her alive. 2 days later, she comes down to the cafeteria where my sister is and starts talking to my sister like they're best friends.

You meat the weirdest people at school.
Ahhh, quite amusing at first. Until you consider how many things actually do that with '****' and many other offensive words. Still, you made me laugh. Somehow.
Well, there's "ATM" which has 4 meanings. "at the moment" as chat lingo, "automated teller machine" referring to bank cash machines, "asynchronous transfer mode" for data communication, and, well, the fourth is a porn reference I recently heard of.
Just another reference which is not for the boards. :lol:
Crazy people can be found everywhere. While on the way to an interschool Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting (it may sound uber ghey but it wasn't that bad!) held at Parliament (this is in NZ) the guys and I came across a stoner. Seriously. He was talking to us about how the pidgeons had really sharp teeth and would eat us - he obviously thought it was a great joke. He then went on to say "get this! " - he sat down - "I'm sitting in the grass...on my ARSE!"

Needless to say this was a rather unusual welcome to parliament...
The best one is still that picture of George W, standing under a banner with The War Against Terrorism anacronymed (did I just make that word up?) on it. Way to run an election campaign!
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