funny thing..

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i play a solo javelin/twohander character. i'm currently at level 30 and strong enough to take on warparties of 100 men and more. i chased down a vaegir warparty of 94 men. i got to the fight and i couldn't find the enemy anywhere. after carefully scouting the area i finally found ALL of the enemy units in one of those craters you sometimes see. the fools couldn't get up from there. naturally this gave my diabolic character the chance of a lifetime to have some fun. i dismounted and after making sure they really couldn't get up from there i started to pop some heads with my javelins.

the funny thing is that the enemy reinforcements also spawned to the hole. i quickly ran out of javelin and returned to the baggage for more. finally all that was left were some footmen with shields and random knights. i carefully descended to a safe radius and started hacking with my looong axe. when i finished the hole was COVERED in bodies of horses and men. the sight was so cool I don't think i'll ever be able to simulate it again.

just decided to let everyone know how cool it was.
slavetrader said:
just decided to let everyone know how cool it was.

Should have taken a screenshot :smile: Just press the 'Print screen' button, and next time you are in some kind of paintshop/image editing program just press paste.

Best to save as .JPG or .PNG.

Yep, always bring along a missile weapon. At least in your inventory.

I've had enemies spawn in craters like that or me up on a unreachably steep hill.

Or enemies spawn on the edge of the map and get stuck.

In that case, just pop away.
easy, if they arent mounted, just have to have a high athletics, if they got horses, just gotta know when exactly to swing.

when on foot, its easy to weave and dodge and get the odd slash in, or if you feel real vicious, pack your inventory full of fransicas and run backwards, while they are 5 feet away, headshots have never been easier

If they are on horseback, a nice twohander always seems to work nicely, especially since the enemy horsemen never seem to swing untin you are right beside them, so just swing a little early and angle your view up a bit to slice thier heads, usually gets anywhere from 40 - 180 damage or so, and dont hold the attack button, easy block and has no style

or if you are a good horse archer like most the people on here are, just rider around in a big wide counter clockwise circle and have fun pickin em off, many idiots have fallen with bent arrows stuck in thier mugs

but yea, not impossible, just a little bit of practice and you get ta killin em nonstop

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