I threw an Axe at a dude once, hit him in the crotch and killed him too... I promised to his dead body I would never throw another axe ever again...
Another time, I stuck a Javelin in this Viking's mouth, was just hilarious to see this thing sticking straight out from his mouth as he lay dead.
I regret never having taken a picture of either.
I had a great shot once where a throwing axe hit a guy right between the eyes. He had darker skin and it matched the axe handle. It looked like he had a huge nose, Pinnochio style. Sadly. I seem to have lost or deleted that pic. So you'll just have to imagine it.
shot an arrow... kiledd a guy.. checked his corpse... dead, i cry
dunno what the * was that ^, it came to my mind...
what i was trying to write was:
i shot an arrow and killed a guy, then came and saw his corpse.. he had an arrow stuck on his privates...
took a screenshot but didnt know where it was or how to save it.. so i dont have it...
I've been doing crotch shots on poor River pirates for ages now.
Though I think I had one once of an arrow up the rear end of a horse, cant imagine it being too amused!
Getting one in the eyes is interesting, i've yet to get two though.
Crotch shots look especially weird when you get multiple hits. I have an all brigand skirmisher army in mag7, and one time I saw the last knight on the field, surrounded by javlins with one in his face, two in the crotch, and several in his stomach and rear end. The best part was my arrow that finally brought him down sticking straight out from his @$$. I laughed so hard I couldn't take a screenie.
I love how throwing daggers are never actually embedded into the enemy. They just sort of hover next to the guy they're supposed to be stuck in, with the tip pointing at him.
I don't no whether it was a glitch or not, but once i was playing-horse archer against the two remaining vaegir veterans, and he had over fifty arrows in his shield. He looked like a damn hedgehog...and i couldn't break the bloody shield.
I once was a cav archer and had this arrow stuck in my horse, but it was just above the saddle, so when I was riding half the time the arrow was in mid air and other half of the time it was in my bottom. And I have seen lots of guys running around with 1-3 arrows sticking through them.
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