Full Invasion 2.0 Server Package and Configuration file?

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Hello, I was wondering if there was a server package for Full Invasion 2.0 ?
Also, what would a recommended -r FullInvasion.txt file look like?
The one from previous versions doesn't seem to work, possibly due to the scene settings, and searched but couldn't find one for 2.0
Jest said:
Hello, I was wondering if there was a server package for Full Invasion 2.0 ?
Also, what would a recommended -r FullInvasion.txt file look like?
The one from previous versions doesn't seem to work, possibly due to the scene settings, and searched but couldn't find one for 2.0
Hello, we do not have a server package as it is based on the Viking Conquest dedicated server files and varies based on dedicated server host. To upload the mod on the server-side, simply make a copy of the download and delete the Textures/Music/Sounds folder inside the FI2 Amber 2.0 folder.

I double checked with the active dev team, this config file should work for Amber 2.0 here is the Amber_config.txt file for configuration:
 set_server_name Amber_Server

 set_welcome_message  Please check out the Official Full Invasion 2 Steam Group!
 #set_pass pass
 set_pass_admin admin_pass

 set_enable_valve_anti_cheat 0

 set_mission multiplayer_iv

 set_max_players 100 100
 set_num_bots_voteable 50
 set_combat_speed 2
 set_maps_voteable 1
 set_factions_voteable 1
 set_force_default_armor 0
 set_friendly_fire 1
 set_melee_friendly_fire 1
 set_friendly_fire_damage_friend_ratio 1
 set_friendly_fire_damage_self_ratio 0
 set_melee_friendly_fire_damage_friend_ratio 1
 set_melee_friendly_fire_damage_self_ratio 0
 set_kick_voteable 1
 set_ban_voteable 0
 set_round_gold_bonus 1000
 set_starting_gold 1000
 set_combat_gold_bonus 1000
 set_control_block_direction 1

 set_map greece
 add_map wedding2
 add_map stanley_fortress
 add_map kingslanding
 add_map troyinvasion
 add_map westernfarm
 add_map FuIn_invasion_95
 add_map mors_indecepta
 add_map FuIn_invasion_8
 add_map FuIn_invasion_32
 add_map FuIn_invasion_83
 add_map FuIn_invasion_5
 add_map battleonice
 add_map FuIn_invasion_30

 add_factions 46 67
 add_factions 27 80
 add_factions 47 79
 add_factions 45 64
 add_factions 33 78
 add_factions 37 60
 add_factions 22 78
 add_factions 39 76
 add_factions 55 59
 add_factions 57 71
 add_factions 22 75
 add_factions 34 69
 add_factions 40 77
 add_factions 30 73

 set_randomize_factions 0

 set_team_point_limit 1000

 set_upload_limit 100000000
 set_auto_team_balance_limit 10000

 set_port 7240
 set_steam_port 7241

 set_server_log_folder LogsFI2
 set_server_ban_list_file LogsFI2\ban_list.txt


### MAP IDS ###

# Please note some maps are removed in Amber 2.0

#About to Fall - 			FuIn_invasion_43
#After Years of Siege -			afteryearsofsiege
#Amon Hen -				FuIn_invasion_17
#Anti-Alien Stronghold -		FuIn_invasion_116
#Assassin's Creed -			zassassin
#Asuka -				asuka
#Bandit Camp -				FuIn_invasion_50
#Battle of Edhellond -			FuIn_invasion_85
#Battle of Pelennor Fields -		FuIn_invasion_67
#Battle on Ice -			battleonice
#Beach Assault -			FuIn_invasion_14
#Beach Castle -				beach_castle
#Beach of Troy -			troyinvasion
#Beaumaris Castle -			FuIn_invasion_114
#Being a Mouse -			mouse
#Berlin 1919 -				berlin
#Big Wooden Fort -			FuIn_invasion_57
#Bridge of Stirling -			bridge_of_stirling
#Brytenwalda -				FuIn_invasion_31
#Camelot -				camelot
#Carlisle Castle -			FuIn_invasion_111
#Castle Black -				castleblack
#Castle Under Siege -			FuIn_invasion_40
#China -				FuIn_invasion_122
#City -					FuIn_invasion_79
#Cold Mountain -			FuIn_invasion_32
#Conwy Castle -				FuIn_invasion_115
#Dam -					dam
#D-Day -				chaff
#De Dust -				FuIn_invasion_131
#Death Arena -				deatharean
#Defend Brunwud Castle -		FuIn_invasion_106
#Defend Jameyyed Castle -		FuIn_invasion_105
#Destroyed Castle -			FuIn_invasion_45
#Developers' Mansion -			devhouse
#Dol Guldur Rework -			dolguldorrework
#Dragonstone -				dragonstone
#Dungeons of Rodirm -			FuIn_invasion_6
#Edo Castle -				FuIn_invasion_23
#Edoras Remake -			tldedorasremake
#Enemy Incoming! -			FuIn_invasion_28
#Epic Desert Siege -			FuIn_invasion_41
#Escape Route -				atrap2
#Etrosq Fortress -			FuIn_invasion_5
#Fall of Edoras -			arthuredorasmap
#Fall of Gladiators -			FuIn_invasion_130
#Fall of Hitler -			wedding6
#Fall of Leonidas -			spartan
#Fall of Spartans -			FuIn_invasion_12
#Football Stadium -			football
#Frostglade Forest -			FuIn_invasion_2
#Future Marines Fort -			FuIn_invasion_98
#Future Marines Outpost -		FuIn_invasion_124
#Gondorian Town -			lotr_adventure
#Greece -				greece
#Hannu's Attack -			FuIn_invasion_103
#Helm's Deep Defence 1 -		FuIn_invasion_15
#Helm's Deep Defence 2 -		FuIn_invasion_16
#Himeji Castle -			himeji_castle
#Hobbit Cliff -				hobbit
#Hold the Keep -			FuIn_invasion_48
#Hornburg -				FuIn_invasion_21
#Hot Gates -				hotgate
#Hun in the Sun -			FuIn_invasion_33
#Incoming Catapult -			catapult
#Invasion Begins! -			FuIn_invasion_66
#Isengard Centre -			amon_hen
#It's Snowing -				FuIn_invasion_36
#Japan -				FuIn_invasion_80
#Japanese Castle -			FuIn_invasion_53
#Karnhold Keep -			FuIn_invasion_7
#Key to Victory! -			FuIn_invasion_38
#King's Landing -			kingslanding
#Kyoto -				FuIn_invasion_120
#Limeswall -				fuIn_limewall
#Little China -				FuIn_invasion_4
#Little China 2 -			FuIn_invasion_128
#Little Japan -				FuIn_invasion_125
#Llansteffan Castle -			FuIn_invasion_113
#Lorent Village -			FuIn_invasion_1
#Man the Siege Tower -			FuIn_invasion_42
#Matsumoto Castle -			matsumoto
#Military Desert Camp -			atrap1
#Minas Tirith -				fuin_invasion_68
#European Siege Battle -		FuIn_invasion_54
#Mors Indecepta -			mors_indecepta
#Motte and Bailey Siege -		FuIn_invasion_107
#Motte and Bailey Siege 2 -		FuIn_invasion_110
#Mountain Camp -			FuIn_invasion_121
#Native Field by the River -		FuIn_invasion_30
#Native Ruined Fort -			FuIn_invasion_29
#Nockmaar -				wedding2
#Nord Invasion -			FuIn_invasion_102
#Old-Jelkala Excavation Site -		FuIn_invasion_9
#Orc Valley -				whatsup
#Paladin's Outpost -			wedding4
#Pantheon of the Spartans -		leon
#Pass of Thermopylae -			FuIn_invasion_11
#Pass of Thermopylae 2 -		tbfc_invasion_1
#Pathfinder's Island -			FuIn_invasion_34
#Pevensey Castle -			FuIn_invasion_108
#Port Assault Invasion -		portassault
#Protect the Pig -			FuIn_invasion_83
#Pyke -					pyke
#Ranger's Outpost -			forest_ithilien1
#Rework Erebor -			newerebor
#Rise of Rome -				riseofrome
#Rise of Zombies -			arthurnewzombiemap
#Rivendell -				legendofdragonriders
#Rohan Fort -				arthuredorasmap2
#Rohan Village -			rohan
#Roman Shield Wall -			romanmap
#Ruined Fort Invasion -			ruinedfort
#Rush the Castle -			FuIn_invasion_92
#Sengoku Jidai -			FuIn_invasion_64
#Sengoku Stronghold -			FuIn_invasion_117
#Sengoku-Era Castle -			FuIn_invasion_56
#Siege Camp -				FuIn_invasion_78
#Siege of Aldburg -			FuIn_invasion_87
#Siege of Cair Andros -			FuIn_invasion_69
#Siege of Dale -			FuIn_invasion_88
#Siege of Dol Amroth -			FuIn_invasion_71
#Siege of East Emnet -			FuIn_invasion_90
#Siege of Eastfold -			FuIn_invasion_91
#Siege of Erech -			FuIn_invasion_74
#Siege of Ethring -			FuIn_invasion_73
#Siege of Gundabad -			FuIn_invasion_94
#Siege of Hornburg -			FuIn_invasion_95
#Siege of Kurak -			arthursiegeofkurak
#Siege of Linhir -			FuIn_invasion_77
#Siege of Lossarnach -			FuIn_invasion_76
#Siege of Minas Morgul -		FuIn_invasion_96
#Siege of Osgiliath -			FuIn_invasion_70
#Siege of Pinnath Gelin -		FuIn_invasion_75
#Siege of Tarnost -			FuIn_invasion_72
#Siege of Umbar Camp -			FuIn_invasion_99
#Siege of West Emnet -			FuIn_invasion_100
#Siege of Westfold -			FuIn_invasion_101
#Siwi! -				siwimap
#Small Fort -				FuIn_invasion_37
#Small Keep -				FuIn_invasion_52
#Small Village -			FuIn_invasion_3
#Smith Stones -				FuIn_invasion_8
#Snow Invasion -			FuIn_invasion_123
#Snowfall -				mikasnowvillage
#Space Station -			FuIn_invasion_129
#Spartacus' Last Battle -		spataclus_his_last_battle
#Stanley Fortress -			stanley_fortress
#Stone Keep -				FuIn_invasion_39
#Storm on the Bastille -		storm
#Stronghold 2 -				FuIn_invasion_18
#Survive in the Arena -			wedding7
#Taiga Fort -				FuIn_invasion_27
#Teutoburg Forest -			roman
#The Black Gate -			FuIn_invasion_97
#The Countryside -			tbfc_invasion_2
#The Hill -				tbfc_invasion_3
#The Holy Crusades -			FuIn_invasion_35
#The Island -				FuIn_invasion_58
#The Keep -				FuIn_invasion_46
#The Last Days -			FuIn_invasion_86
#The Maze -				FuIn_invasion_22
#There is No Escape -			hear
#They are Coming -			they
#This is Sparta! -			newspartan
#Tir Asleen -				wedding3
#Tonbridge Castle -			FuIn_invasion_109
#Top of Zombie City -			zombietopcity
#Trench Battle -			FuIn_invasion_51
#Trench Defence -			FuIn_invasion_65
#Troy -					troy
#Twins Crossing -			twincrossing
#Two Bridges -				FuIn_invasion_19
#Up the Hills -				FuIn_invasion_81
#Vaegisk Mountain Pass -		FuIn_invasion_10
#Viking Beach Assault -			viking_beach_assault
#Viking Keep -				viking_keep
#Village Camp -				FuIn_invasion_13
#Village Rift -				FuIn_invasion_47
#Village Square -			FuIn_invasion_49
#War of Liberty! -			wedding
#Western Farm -				westernfarm
#Whiterun -				whiterun
#Winterfell -				winterferll
#Wooden Castle -			FuIn_invasion_26
#World at War Beach Assault -		FuIn_invasion_119
#World of Tanks -			arthurnewmap
#World War II -				wedding5
#Wrath of the Volcano -			volcano
#WW2 Cold War -				wedding8
#WW2 Guard Post -			weddinggg9
#WW2 Town -				weddingg9
#WW2 Trench Battle -			FuIn_invasion_118
#York Castle & Clifford's Tower -	FuIn_invasion_112
#Zombie Attack -			FuIn_invasion_25
#Zombie Bridge -			FuIn_invasion_60
#Zombie City 1 -			FuIn_invasion_62
#Zombie City 2 -			FuIn_invasion_63
#Zombie Dock -				FuIn_invasion_61
#300 Spartans -				FuIn_invasion_127



#The Anglo-Zulu War -			21
#The Armies of Isengard -		22
#The Armies of Mordor -			23
#The Assassin Guild -			24
#The Barbarian Tribes -			25
#The Byzantine Empire -			26
#The Calradian Realms -			27
#The Chinese Dynasties -		28
#The Cowboys -				29
#The Crusader States -			30
#The Dwarven Kingdoms -			31
#The Elven Kingdoms -			32
#The Empire -				33
#The Greek City States -		34
#The Hammerites -			35
#The Hedge Knights -			36
#The Highlanders -			37
#The Imperial Legion -			38
#The Imperium of Man -			39
#The Kingdom of Bretonnia -		40
#The Kingdom of Gondor -		41
#The Kingdom of Rohan -			42
#The Kingdom of Rohan & The Elves -	43
#The Kingdoms of Arnor & Numenor -	44
#The Kingdoms of Westeros -		45
#The Lord of the Rings Combined -	46
#The Men of the East -			47
#The Modern Era -			48
#The Napoleonic Wars -			49
#The Roman Empire -			50
#The Sengoku Jidai -			51
#The Seven Years' War -			52
#The Sixteenth Century -		53
#The Star Wars Combined -		54
#The Vikings -				55
#The With Fire and Sword Factions -	56
#The World Wars Soldiers -		57
#The Zombies -				58


#Invasion of Barbarian Tribes -		59
#Invasion of Black Powder Era -		60
#Invasion of Calradia -			61
#Invasion of Cavemen -			62
#Invasion of Chinese Dynsaties -	63
#Invasion of Crusader States -		64
#Invasion of Demons -			65
#Invasion of Droids -			66
#Invasion of Empire -			67
#Invasion of Farmers -			68
#Invasion of Goblins -			69
#Invasion of Isengard -			70
#Invasion of Modern Era -		71
#Invasion of Mongols -			72
#Invasion of Mordor -			73
#Invasion of Native Indians -		74
#Invasion of Northern Tribes -		75
#Invasion of Orks -			76
#Invasion of Persians -			77
#Invasion of Rome -			78
#Invasion of Sengoku Jidai -		79
#Invasion of Skeletons -		80
#Invasion of Socialists -		81
#Invasion of Terrorists -		82
#Invasion of WFAS -			83
#Invasion of Zombies -			84
#Invasion of Zulus -			85

The mod name to join servers and set up a server is now:
FI2 Amber 2.0

And if you need a batch file example:
mb_warband_dedicated.exe -r Amber_config.txt -m FI2 Amber 2.0
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