Friendly fire?

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Sir Mikhail

Hi there,

maybe someone mentioned it before, but what abou friendly fire option? Maybe it would be chaotic (so there will be ON/OFF option in menu) but if its imblemented well, it could be fine ...
Exactly. Melee friendly fire would just suck, and i can't see how anyone would want it on. Especially with that wide swing. I can see it now... one cavalry charges my group of a dozen Sergeants, and i lose 4 of my guys just tyring to kill that one unit thanks to FF. :lol:
But doesn't it gross you guys out how fake the combat feels?

- Enable "Friendly melee"
- Tell the AI to give each other some space.
- Make melee attacks only do damage at the point in the swing they actually would in real life.

It would work perfectly.
No it wouldnt it would be very hard to do that in a game and you would need a pretty smart person to calculate were every attack hits and how much it does :arrow: :idea:
Yes it won't be some minor AI changes, right now they're pretty much swinging everywhere. I even get hit by friendly arrows, that's annoying enough :smile:

Sometimes I'm walking almost behind the enemy but still get hit by their sword because they swing it from one side all the way to the other. In a really big angle.
Eird-Way said:
But doesn't it gross you guys out how fake the combat feels?

Not really. It is only a game, and having to worry about your own guys getting killed by each other because they were all trying to go after the same river pirate... Well.

Until the AI simulates real life much more accurately, I see no point in instituting real-life consequences.
The fact is that in real life you're able to be much more observant of your surroundings than in a game. In the game you're probably not going to notice that guy next to you when you sideswing, but in real life you would be much more likely too. In short, there would be ALOT more FF in the game than in real life. So in actuality, its more realistic with FF off than it would be if it were on.
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