So I spent the first 200 days of the game complaining about how worthless my factions marshal was. His idea of a campaign was to sit around for 4 days and then ride to the other side of the map and attack a caravan or two. Well, finally at around day 230 they finally elected ME marshal. I had been hoping for it for sometime so we could actually get something accomplished. We have a three front war going on and one faction is almost wiped out so my first official act as marshal was to wipe them out. Well, heres the problem. (Please keep in mind I have no idea if this is a issue in native as well because I only played native for about a week before starting mods). I cant get my bloody armies to one spot. This is PAINFULLY annoying. I will gather like 8 lords and tell them to follow me. By the time I actually get to where I want to attack 7 of them have ran off chasing a caravan or renegade knights or raider or my personal favorite...two of my armies (both 100+) ran off to chase 3 heretics. Is there anyway to get everyone from point A to point B together without having them chasing anything that moves?