Post all your questions about the Diplomacy mod here and we will try to answer them!
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Faction relations
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- Q: When can I appoint a chamberlain?
- A: You need a village, castle or a town to appoint a chamberlain. After you got one it might take up to three game weeks until the popup menu appears letting you appoint a chamberlain.
- Q: Does the amount of tax you ask of a fief have an effect on its prosperity?
- A: Yes if you have low or high taxes prosperity will be affected each week. Low taxes lead to higher prosperity, high taxes to lower prosperity.
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- Q: When can I appoint a constable?
- A: You need a castle or a town to appoint a constable. After you got a town or castle it might take up to three game weeks until the popup menu appears letting you appoint a constable.
- Q: Why can't I recruit troops via the constable?
- A: Money for recruting is drawn from the treasury. So be sure you have a chamberlain and money in the treasury.
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- Q: When can I appoint a chancellor?
- A: You need a town to appoint a chancellor. After you got a town it might take up to three game weeks until the popup menu appears letting you appoint a constable.
- Q: What does the nation characteristics do?
- A: Take a look at Dumblors notes:
3 - very centralized. Tax Inefficiency for the ruler is reduced by 15%, and increased by 15% to his vassals .Ruler's relations with his vassals should suffer a -3 hit every month. Kings armies get 30% percent increase, lords armies get 9% decrease.
2 - quite centralized. Tax Inefficiency for the ruler is reduced by 10%,and increased by 10% to his vassals . Ruler's relations with his vassals fiefs should suffer a -2 hit every month. Kings armies get 20% percent increase, lords armies get 6% decrease.
1 - little centralized. Tax inefficiency for the ruler is reduced by 5%, and increased by 5% to his vassals. Ruler's relations with his vassals fiefs should suffer a -1 hit every month. Kings armies get 10% percent increase, lords armies get 3% decrease.
0 - neither too centralized, nor decentrilized.
-1 - little decentralized. Tax Inefficiency for the ruler is increased by 5%. Ruler's relations with his vassals increasy +1 every month. Kings armies get 10% percent decrease, lords armies get 3% increase.
-2 - quite decentralized. Tax Inefficiency for the ruler is increased by 10%. Ruler's relations with his vassals increasy +2 every month. Kings armies get 20% percent decrease, lords armies get 6% increase.
-3 - very decentralized. Tax Inefficiency for the ruler is increased by 15%. Ruler's relations with his vassals increasy +3 every month. Kings armies get 30% percent decrease, lords armies get 9% increase.
3 - very aristocratic. Trade decrased by 15%. Kings relations with their lords increased by 3 every month. Vassals armies increased by 9%.
2 - quite aristocratic. Trade decrased by 10%. Kings relations with their lords increased by 2 every month. Vassals armies increased by 6%.
1 - little aristocratic. Trade decrased by 5%. Kings relations with their lords increased by 1 every month. Vassals armies increased by 3%.
0 - a mixture of arisctocracy and plutocracy.
-1 - little plutocratic. Trade increased by 10%. Kings relations with their lords decreased by 1 every month. Vassals armies decreased by 3%.
-2 - quite plutocratic. Trade increased by 15%. Kings relations with their lords decreased by 2 every month. Vassals armies decreased by 6%.
-3 - very plutocratic. Trade increased by 20%. Kings relations with their lords decreased by 3 every month. Vassals armies decreased by 9%.
Serfdom/Free subjects:
3 - almost all serfs. Tax inneficiency decrased by 9% for both king and his vassals. Troops of the faction suffer a 6% strength malus in ai fights, kings and lords armies increased by 3%.
2 - mostly serfs. Tax inneficiency decrased by 6% for both king and his vassals. Troops of the faction suffer a 4% strength malus in ai fights, kings and lords armies increased by 2%.
1 - ussually serfs. Tax innefiency decrased by 3% for both king and his vassals. Troops of the faction suffer a 2% strength malus in ai fights, kings and lords armies increased by 1%.
0 - a mixture of serfs and free subjects.
-1 - ussually free subjects. Tax inneficiency incrased by 3% for both king and his vassals. Troops of the faction get a 2% strength bonus in ai fights, kings and lords armies decreased by 1%.
-2 - mostly free subjects. Tax inneficiency incrased by 6% for both king and his vassals. Troops of the faction get a 4% strength bonus in ai fights, kings and lords armies decreased by 2%.
-3 - all free subjects. Tax inneficiency incrased by 9% for both king and his vassals. Troops of the faction get a 6% strength bonus in ai fights, kings and lords armies decreased by 3%.
3 - of legendary bravery. ai strengh of troops inceased by 12%, lords armies decreased by 12%.
2 - of great bravery. ai strengh of troops inceased by 8%, lords armies decreased by 8%.
1 - of good bravery. ai strengh of troops inceased by 4%, lords armies decreased by 4%.
0 - of mediocre bravery and quantity.
-1 - of good quanity. ai strengh of troops decreased by 4%, lords armies increased by 4%.
-2 - of great quantity. ai strengh of troops decreased by 8%, lords armies increased by 8%.
-3 - of legendary quantity. ai strengh of troops decreased by 12%, lords armies increased by 12%.
Faction relations
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- Q: How do I drop relations with a faction that i have positive relations with?
- A: When you have your own kingdom, declare war on them, if not attack their villagers and caravans.
- Q: What effects the outcome of an alliance request?
- A: Most important is a high faction relation but there are many other things affecting the outcome. The better you fullfill the requirements the more likely you will conclude an alliance.
- Player honor
- Relation between your faction and the other faction
- Emissary persuasion
- inflicted war damage
- wether it is a civil war
- strength of your kingdom
- you are holding any centers originally owned by the other faction
- third party wars
- right to rule
- Q: Why can't I request a trade or higher pact with a faction?
- A: Before you can negotiate a trade or higher pact you have to be recognized as king by the other faction.
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- Q: Does Diplomacy fix any native bugs?
- A: No
- Q: Is it possible to combine Diplomacy with another Mod?
- A: Yes, please visit Guild of craftsmen for further information.
- Q: Some things in TweakMB are greyed out when using Diplomacy. Any way to fix that?
- A: Tweak MB can't handle some changes that were made for Diplomacy and if it can't read the changed code it just greys out and you can't change it anymore. So these things won't work and I don't think that this will change in future as you need to tweak tweakmb
- Q: How can I load my native save game in Diplomacy?
- A: Create a new folder Documents\Mount&Blade Warband Savegames\Diplomacy and copy your savegame there. After launching Diplomacy it should appear in the list.
- Q: How can I help this mod?
- A: Suggest whatever you think suits this mod and report any bugs you encounter. If possible with a screenshot or even a savegame.
- Q: How can I use my native savegame?
- A: Go to my documents, mount and blade warband savegames, native savegames. Copy your savegame, then go back and paste it in the new folder, diplomacy savegames