French version?

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I tried to translate the beta, but the caracters é è ê ë à ' and this kind of caracters don't work. Will the dev add the posssibility to "localise" txt files?
Here, someone already tried making a French mod:
Translation! That would be.. awesome!!

*Ordie goes translate Mount and Blade to Portuguese*
Ordie said:
Translation! That would be.. awesome!!

*Ordie goes translate Mount and Blade to Portuguese*

Hey, seems we've got more than two portuguese speaking users on the community! :grin: *Cheers*
Ok, I find a solution for the é caracter and I will make the same thing for the others.


For the moment I give you the file :

Replace the original file (in Textures folder) with this one (make a backup... as always) and in the txt files, you need to use €___ , so 1 € and 3 _ instead each é and that will work fine. I don't know why, but my file is 4Mo and the original is only 242ko.... but that works :grin:

Au fait je suis français aussi, donc je vais pas faire les caractères pas francais (désolé les portugais lol), mais je vais faire le è, le à, le ê et surement le ù. Pour les autres je pense pas que ce soit indispensable :smile:
Do you have any way to write á, à, ã, ê, and stuff like that? Because portuguese is very heavy on those characters :sad:
I've tried to translate game into russian, but the interface cannot be translated (it's built-in .exe file). The texture file affects .exe file and inscriptions in menu change into something unreadable. Maybe it's not so relevant for european languages (cause they have a lot of common letters), but russian contains such letters as ю, г, ц, й, щ, ч, я and so on.

P.S. To Dust
Try to archive your texture.
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