French Language Pack - Betatesters Report Here

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Greetings testers!
Please post here any and all errors you encountered while playing the game with the French language pack.
Thanks in advance for your help!


EDIT on Antivirus Software Problems:
At this stage, I need to ask you for more information. We have had the same antivirus software problems with previous downloads from our repository. First let me clarify that the files in the repository are scanned extensively for viruses/worms/trojans, so it's safe to say that the downloads are as secure as they can be. Having said that, I'd like to ask the players who got such messages to pm me with the name of their anti virus software so we can get in touch with each developer and inform them of the situation.

Thank you,


Hello again!
The time for us to deliver the test reports to the translation team is due, that means the beta-test phase has come to an end!
A big thank you goes out to all players who volunteered to help us out with the language pack release. You have done a great job testing the hell out of the pack! The release date for the French-language pack 1.0 will be announced asap!
Sir Silver said:
Not a report now, but just to be sure: in which language do we have to make the test report? English or French? :razz:

Well I guess you have to report it in English since it's the principal language here.

Here are some errors I found :

Plate armor : Armure de plate which should be Armure de plaques, since plate is plaque in french.
When you want to give your oath to a king, the first letter (mon) is in lowercase, and should be capital.

I'll edit this post if I find any other typos/errors.
If fact, I think that "plaque" should be put to plural here "Armure de plaques", because there are many plates.
Ok I'm in!

And my first report is for the settings.

- in the launcher ("Configurer"):

(click to enlarge)

The accents are not displayed, I don't now if it is my computer which language settings are in "French (Canada)" or if the problem comes from the character encoding.

- in the game menu ("Options"):

(click to enlarge)

The first variable for the sound is missing.

And a few errors for the other parts:

- "Vitesse des combats : Rapide / Normale / Lente"
- "Afficher le réticule" (not "la réticule")

- in the Key settings ("Contrôles"):

(click to enlarge)

The 3 orders with the "(Permutation)" text are really to small, I have some difficulties to read it. I would suggest to simply remove "(Permutation)" because maybe we do not need it, I mean if there is only "Mount/Dismount" for the same key I think people will understand that we can do the first action on the first click and the second one on the second click.  :razz:

That's all for the moment.  :wink:
Hi.  I started testing the french version, and here are my findings so far :

Similar to Sir Silver, the settings screen (Configurer) from launcher does not show accents.  Must be character coding.

I decided to try a female character, and noticed that, during character setup, some of the text is modified for female characters, but lots remains.  Same goes for much of the dialogues in-game, and some combat texts.  Going through each dialogue to see if they adapt to the gender could be a very time-consuming job...I'm not sure I want to volunteer doing it!  If I find lots of time, I will let you know.

When meeting the trainer, a tutorial (didacticiel) states that movement keys are ZQSD.  On qwerty keyboards, the movement keys remain WASD.  Perhaps the tutorial text could be linked to the Options keymap.

Under Reports (Rapports), the first item is Vérification du statut PNJ.  What is PNJ?

Under Character (Personnage), clicking on Statistics, the option to export a character has a typo : Exporter un persnnage (should be personnage).  Also, in skills, First Aid should be "Premiers soins", rather than "premiers secours".  The word "pistage" is also used.  I would like to verify what it is replacing, and get back...

In the Options meny, the Difficulty rating is translated as "Probabilité".  Should be "Niveau de difficulté".

I then went to Tihr, and spoke with Ramun.  There are a few grammar errors in the dialogue, though most is excellent.  After the initial speech from Ramun, when I asked him to explain how to capture prisoners, the first dialogue screen (Bon, je vais....)has 1 typo in the last sentence : ..pour les nobles.....être protéger (should be protégés).  In the second dialogue screen, (Et bien...), the start should be "Eh bien!...", and in the latter portion "..explique tout simplement pourquoi certaine personne libère.." should actually be "...certaines personnes libèrent..."

Prison guard dialogue : When no prisoners are present, guard states "Actuellement, aucune est emprisonné ici".  This should perhaps read "Actuellement, personne n'est emprisonné ici" if possible.

Dialogue with Lord also has errors ("Qu'est-ce que celà?" for "What is it?")  Should probably be "Que voulez-vous?"

Finally for today, some of the equipment modifiers should be available for plural forms (footwear and gloves).  "Gantelets rouillé" really doesn't work. (BTW, the modifier "rouillé" needs the (e), as does "fendu")  In weapons, the qualifier "réformé(e)" is used to replace "bent".  Perhaps what was meant is "déformé(e)".  The dagger is translated as "dagues"; this should be singular "dague".

All for now  :smile:
lockjaw said:
What is PNJ?

PNJ stands for "Personnage non-jouable" in English NPC for non-playable character.

lockjaw said:
The word "pistage" is also used.  I would like to verify what it is replacing, and get back...

Pistage is the translation for the skill "Tracking", the one which allows you to see arrows on the floor to follow your enemies.
MrRoy said:
Plate armor : Armure de plate which should be Armure de plaques, since plate is plaque in french.
Hum, no, we say "Armure de plates" in French, but better terms would be  "blanc harnois" or "harnois plain" (or simply "harnois"...)

In the same way, Hauberk should be translated as "Haubert" and not "Cotte de maille" (awful 19th century term...  :evil:)
I submitted my candidacy, which was acknowledged, but got no PM. Ash_Crow gave me the link to the french pack; hope this isn't a problem.
Character creation.
Didn't try the female options (duh  :???: ), but here are some remarks about the male ones:

Wasn't "Crapule des rues" "Street urchin" or something like that ? if so, "crapule" is both too strong and not enough "youthful".  In the same choice text, "gang" doesn't sound very french nor very médiéval. How about "bande" (which is used by the looters btw)

Each of the adolescence texts ends up with a  "votre vie a suivit" which should read "votre vie a suivi"

The "page à la cour" one should read "parties d'échecs" instead of "partie d'échec" and "amours courtoises" instead of "amours courtois"

About the student adolescence choice, well, I think giving medieval universities "amphithéâtres" is  a bit of an anachronism...

All the reasons to become an adventurer should read "les raisons qui vous ont poussé" (or if you're a female "qui vous ont poussée")  instead of "les raisons qui vous ont poussées" , "avant que je n'ai pu achever" should read "avant que je n'aie pu achever"

About the game itself:

"vous consultez l'espace terrestre" upon seeing the world map reall sounds bad imho. I'd go with something along the lines of "vous êtes actuellement sur la carte du monde"...

Met some pillards, they told me "Je te donne une chance de me filer tout ce que t'as, sinon avec ma bande, on te tue." which should be "Je te donne une chance de me filer tout ce que t'as, sinon, avec ma bande, on te tue"

The game then told me I had "1 troupes" vs the enemy's "11 troupes" Which really sounds bad. How about just "1 hommes" (or even 1 homme(s) if you're finicky)

I then  proceeded to kill the bastards, nothing to say about the damage, kills, XP, shot difficulties, &c., texts,  however, I feel like "arbalète de chasseur" should be "arbalète de chasse" and that the leather jerkin shouldn't be called "broigne".

I then met a group of... "chasseur de tête de Nord". What the hell are those supposed to be? I surmise, Nords Huntsmen. Well, that should be something along the line of "chasseur nords"

Well, I'll go back to it.

*edit* allright, whent into a Nord village, most lines are ok (I would put "avez vous des tâches pour lesquelles je pourrais vous aider" instead of "des travaux pour lesquels" but that's probably a simple matter of taste), except the recrtuiting ones:
"je pense à 5, je soupçonne qu'il saisira cette chance. Il le fera si vous pouvez payer à chacun d'entre eux &c &c..."
First part of the sentence is a litteral translation for "I'm thinking of 3" or something along the lines, can't remember the excact line in the original version. " 5, je pense" would be a better way to put it, considering the question asked. The rest of the sentence should be in plural (unless of course there's only 1 volonteer...But Im' not certain you can distinguish this case...), and "soupçonne" doesn't feel right. "Je pense qu'ils saisiront cette chance. Ils le feront si vous pouvez payer à chacun d'entre eux &c &c".

So I found myself with a few "recrues de Nord" which should really be "recrues nords" imho. Which can evolve in  "chasseur de tête de Nord", which I already talked about, and in "Troupier de Nord" which really sounds bad too ( even ignoring the "de Nord" thing)

Oh, and having them call be "monsieur" feels very strange indeed.

*edit2* Went to Thir, "Arbalétriers mercenaires" à recruter, I don't have the money to recruit them all, and I tell them "Je ne peux en recruter que 2 d'entre vous" where it should read "Je ne peux recruter que deux d'entre vous"

Artimener, 2nd backstory screen "Le châtelain ici de Thir ", which is redundant, "Le châtelain de Thir" or "Le châtelain d'ici" would do. "il s'est retrouvé à cours d'argent" should read "il s'est retrouvé à court d'agent" In his 3rd backstory screen, "demander d'avance" should probably read "demander une avance"
Sidus Preclarum said:
Wasn't "Crapule des rues" "Street urchin" or something like that ? if so, "crapule" is both too strong and not enough "youthful".

"Gosse des rues" would be better, I think. Or maybe "Garnement des rues".
Another word that bothered me is "épéiste", which means a practitioner of modern fencing, not a soldier armed with a sword ... I do not know what to put in place, however ... "Homme d'armes mercenaire"? "Fantassin mercenaire" ?
After 2 hours of test, here what I have found :

- In the second dicdaticiel : "épée sur l'autel" should be just "épée sur la table"

- In the character creation there is "assistant du marchand", and the correct form is "assistant d'un marchand"

- In the character menu/statistics, it is written "Exporter un persnnage" instead of "Exporter un personnage"

- The word town (for Jelkala, Yalen, Dirhim, Khudan, etc ...) is translated by "bourg", but "Cité" or "Ville" should be better.

- "Javelin" is translated by "Angon", why not just by "Javelot" ?

- The looters are called "Pilleurs", and the correct form is "Pillards"

- "Groupe de seigneur XXXX" should be "Groupe du seigneur XXXX"

- Swadia and Vaegir have troops called "Vaegir/Swadian Troupier", which is not correct. It should be "Soldat" (= soldier) or "Fantassin" (= footman). "troupier" does not exist, or is rarely used.

Very nice beta translation.
Minor grammatical mistakes (mostly because of the agreement in gender and number), sometimes a loose translation.
I pride myself on being quite a literary person, so I tried to make suggestions whenever it was needed.


Second page (Your father was...)

Choice menu
- "Un voleur.." There is an excessive "." after "Un voleur."
- "Un guerrier vétéran". I suggest "Un vieux soldat".
Indeed, the word vétéran is never used as an adjective in french, but as a noun only.

Third page (Childhood)

Option "Un chasseur"
- "du braconnage": remove "du" (useless).
- "vache maigre" should be plural: "vaches maigres"

Option "Un voleur"
- "mendiant et quémandant jusqu'à ce que vous appreniez à faire les poches des gens, ce faisant jusqu'à ce que vous appreniez à crocheter les serrures"
Poor translation IMHO, would sound better with: "d'abord mendiant et quémandant, puis vivant de menus larcins, apprenant à soulager les bourses des riches bourgeois et à crocheter les serrures".

- "Ces longues années vous ont rendu dégourdi et à l'affût des secrets enfouis dans les villes et autres voies détournées."
Again, poor translation.
I would suggest: "Vous vous êtes épanoui(e) dans cette vie de périls et de dangers. Ces longues années passées dans les rues, à l'affût de la moindre aubaine, vous ont enseigné l'art des voies secrètes et détournées."

Choice menu
- "Un apprenti chez un artisan." Remove the article "Un". Sentence should read: "Apprenti(e) chez un artisan" (Male+female)
- "Un assistant du marchand." Sentence should read: "L'assistant(e) d'un marchand" (Male+female)
- "Une crapule des rues" is too strong and too "adult" indeed. "Street urchin" could be translated as "Un(e) gamin(e) des rues", "Un gosse des rues", or simply "Un enfant des rues" (Male+Female)

Gender confusion.
- "Un page à la cour d'un noble." is masculine.  Maybe "Une demoiselle de compagnie" would sound better.

Fourth page (Teenage)

Option "Une crapule des rues" (which should be changed into "un enfant des rues")
- "Mendicité, Vol..." Remove capital letter at "Vol". Sentence should read "Mendicité, vol..."
- "gangs" is too modern a word (and too english). Prefer: "bandes".

Choice menu
Gender confusion.
- "Un colpoteur." sounds a bit negative and poor. "Un camelot." sounds a bit more possibly prosperous, more medieval, more cunning, too!
Unfortunately, there is no female form for "camelot", only maybe "Marchande ambulante." (see below).

- "Un troubadour." is masculine. Prefer "Une musicienne itinérante."
- "Un étudiant à l'université." --> female form would be "Une étudiante."
- "Un colporteur." --> female would be "Une colporteuse.", or "Une marchande ambulante."
- "Un forgeron." --> very masculine craft. Could be translated as "Une forgeronne." (Female blacksmith), but it's a neologism. Even better "Une orfèvre." (Female goldsmith), more feminine...
- "Un braconnier." --> "Une braconnière."

Fifth Page (Adult life)

Choice menu
- "L'envie de voyager." is a bit weak for "Wanderlust". Prefer: "L'appel de l'aventure."
- "Le fait d'être chasser de votre maison." Grammatical: "chasser" should be "chassé(e)".
Also, poor-styled sentence. Prefer: "La destruction de votre foyer."

Last page (Motive)
- "Vous êtes le seul à connaitre les vraies raisons" etc.
Sentence is not gender-compatible. Prefer: "Vous seul(e) connaissez les vraies raisons" etc.

Option "Le fait d'être chasser de votre maison" (which should be corrected anyway)
Gender and style
Last sentence "Désormais, il va falloir accepter le fait que vous êtes lâché dans l'immensité de ce monde, seul aussi bien pour avancer que pour vous enfoncer."
Suggestion (better gender compatibility and style): "Désormais, vous devrez affronter par vous-même le monde dans son immensité, solitaire dans l'échec comme dans la gloire."

Option "L'envie de voyager" (Which should be changed into "L'appel de l'aventure", as mentionned before)
Gender and style
- Last sentence "Vous vous êtes contenté de partir sans vous retourner." (masculine only).
Prefer: "Vous êtes parti(e) sans même vous retourner."

Option "La soif d'argent et de pouvoir."
Gender and style.
- "Aux yeux de tous les autres, vous n'êtes motivé que par vos seuls intérêts personnels. Vous voulez être riche, puissant, respecté et craint."
Suggestion (better gender compatibility and style):
"Aux yeux de tous, seul compte votre intérêt personnel. Vous voulez tout: la richesse, le pouvoir et les honneurs."
Ash_Crow said:
Another word that bothered me is "épéiste", which means a practitioner of modern fencing, not a soldier armed with a sword ... I do not know what to put in place, however ... "Homme d'armes mercenaire"? "Fantassin mercenaire" ?

This word also bothered me, so I did some looking around.  In fact, a sword specialist would be called "épéiste" whether we are talking about sport fencing or medieval swordfighting.  I think the word "épéiste" should therefore remain, as it better reflects the type of troop in the game.

Ash_Crow said:
Eram said:
- "Javelin" is translated by "Angon", why not just by "Javelot" ?
Or "Javeline"...

A "javeline" is simply a smaller form of the "javelot".  In M&B, there are javelins and jarids.  Perhaps "javelot" can be used for one, and "javeline" for the other.  Not knowing which of the javelin or jarid is larger and heavier, I can't say which should be which...
Lord Samuel said:
Option "La soif d'argent et de pouvoir."
Gender and style.
- "Aux yeux de tous les autres, vous n'êtes motivé que par vos seuls intérêts personnels. Vous voulez être riche, puissant, respecté et craint."
Suggestion (better gender compatibility and style):
"Aux yeux de tous, seul compte votre intérêt personnel. Vous voulez tout: la richesse, le pouvoir, le respect et la crainte."

Except that "vouloir la crainte" doesn't really mean anything, and especially not "want to be feared"
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