Freelancer should be implemented into vanilla Bannerlord

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Freelancer mod lets you join any lords party and serve as a soldier with the possibility to rise through the ranks from recruit to elite troop and eventually even serve as a captain and or a bodyguard retinue. It also allows for you to join bandits and even creating your own hideouts.

The soldier component is espcially fun because it allows you to participate in massive battles without have to worry about stategy, all you have to do is kill the enemy and try to survive. Besides this, the progression system allows for you to earn promotion, better pay, training and various other benefits, such as temporary leave of absence and honerable discharge as you're promoted and the relationship with your lord improve.

Over all the mod is very well made and great fun and also highlights just how fun starting out in Bannerlord could actually be, because it allows you to participate in bigger battles right from starting the game if you choose to. In comparison starting out in vanilla at the moment feels very monotonous and grindy, even more so after multiple playthroughs.

I think Taleworlds should seriously consider either replicating this system or just buy the mod as is from the mod author and refine it. In any case bannerlord sorely needs more interesting things to do in the early game and I think the freelancer mod has all the right answers.
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sorry fam freelancer isn't happening, in a thread titled Serving As an Individual in Army
To keep it short, the current timeline doesn't include this feature but that doesn't mean we won't explore it in the future.
Unless of course things could change now that the timeline is extended @Dejan ? The freelancer mod by @Bloc is clearly a massive hit with the community. Looking at nexusmod numbers it ranks #11 in downloads over the past year and has only been out for a little over a month. The 10 above it have literally been out since may/august 2020.

If you haven't already, try out the mod. I won't be playing bannerlord without it now and also wish it would be implemented to the base game.
sorry fam freelancer isn't happening, in a thread titled Serving As an Individual in Army

Unless of course things could change now that the timeline is extended @Dejan ? The freelancer mod by @Bloc is clearly a massive hit with the community. Looking at nexusmod numbers it ranks #11 in downloads over the past year and has only been out for a little over a month. The 10 above it have literally been out since may/august 2020.

If you haven't already, try out the mod. I won't be playing bannerlord without it now and also wish it would be implemented to the base game.
Thats to bad, if they decide to to add it further down the line I hope TW dont wait untill after release because early game really need interesting things to do when starting out, as soon as possible. All my I freinds I've tried to convince to give Bannerlord a chance have burned out real quick because of how tedious starting out is
Taleworlds said its not possible and some random guy does it with a buddy. The world is changing. Join the future.
Who's my buddy? ?
Now now, we all know about your buddy named bloctheworkerbloc :smile:

In all seriousness, this mod could fit so well in the company's narative of the game that you can decide to "be whoever you want", because currently we are pretty restricted in our choice of what we can be.
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